Teachers will march today to the Presidency of the Republic
- By : Panama Now
- Category : Infrastructure, Labor
In the middle of the political crisis that the country is experiencing, the Government adds a new front of struggle. The teachers will march today to the Presidency of the Republic. They will paralyze the classes. The Ministry of Education (Meduca) insists that the day will be conducted in a normal manner.
The National Union of Educators of Panama (UNEP), the Free Magisterial Unit, the Association of Teachers and other teachers’ unions, called for a Friday march that will leave from the Republic of Venezuela School and will go to the Presidency. Teachers ask parents not to send their children to the schools.
Teachers demand that 6% of the General State Budget be allocated to investment in education, they also ask for the repair of 52 schools, the payment of outstanding debts.
In addition, they demand a punishment to the corrupt officials and the revision of the law that creates the Self-Financing Advance Retirement Plan (PRAA), detailed the leader Luis López.
The protest is expected to involve between five thousand and ten thousand teachers from across the country. They say that the stoppage of classes will be 90% of the schools.
For its part, the Meduca reiterated to the educational community that the classes are regular, in all official and private schools of the national territory, as recorded in the school calendar.
READ MORE;http://laestrella.com.pa/panama/nacional/docentes-marcharan-presidencia-meduca-dice-clases/24060449
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