Swedish girl compelled to promote climate measures is chastised by my President. #asshole


OP ED: James “JB” Bryson- I find it so crazy that “any” leader, can find “any” issue with what this young lady has done to promote conversation over climate change. When most “tweens” are wondering what is happening with the Jonas Brothers or the newest PlayStation game, this one is speaking to the UN. We need to foster this type of child as opposed to lamenting over if we agree or disagree with what they promote. Disagreement is the pillar of discussion, and through discussion comes change. I am proud of this young woman. Watch her speech on this link and tell me that she should just “relax” and go watch a “movie”? What an absolute DICK!!


The president of the United States, Donald Trump , criticized Thursday the appointment of Greta Thunberg as personality of the year 2019 by Time magazine , saying that the young Swedish environmental activist should “relax” and go to the movies.

+ info

Greta Thunberg, personality of the year of the magazine ‘Time’Greta Thunberg and a crowd demand actions to the COP25

“So ridiculous. Greta must work on her anger management problem, and then go watch a good movie with a friend! Relax, Greta, relax! “He tweeted.

Quickly, the teenager ironic about the president’s statement by updating her biography on her Twitter account: “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently relaxing and watching a good movie with a friend. ”

Trump’s statement came after the magazine honored 16-year-old Thunberg on Wednesday, who last year launched the so-called “school weather strike” or “Friday for the future,” a protest against warming global that has since become a worldwide movement that led her to be a possible candidate for the Nobel Prize.

Trump says Greta Thunberg should 'relax' and go to the movies
Greta Thunberg has become an icon of the movement that fights in defense of the environment. AFP

The activist became known for her fiery speeches towards world leaders, and on Wednesday, in Madrid, she accused rich countries of “cheating” people by making them believe they are taking significant measures against climate change .

Greta Thunberg@GretaThunberg

Every election is a climate election. Vote for your children. Vote for the planet. Vote for future generations. Vote for humanity. #GE2019 #UKElection200 mil5:16 – 12 dic. 2019Información y privacidad de Twitter Ads43,4 mil personas están hablando de esto

In what has been perhaps his most iconic appearance, he stood before world leaders at a UN climate summit in September and told them: “How dare you?, Criticizing them for not taking measures to stop the runaway global warming .

Her rhetoric, youth and diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome, a mild form of autism, have made her a frequent target of critics.

The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro , called it “brat” and after his speech in September in New York, Trump said sarcastically that she is a “very happy girl who expects a bright and wonderful future.”

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