“Rich Man-Poor Man” the REVERSE edition. CARRIZO exposed! Panama is tired of the BS.


I have covered many times in the past and through the years, what I like to call the “PANAMA WAY”. As a very young republic, and one that truly did not have independence until the canal was fully handed over, PANAMA has developed it’s own way of going along.

With the rhetoric of politics starting to swirl, I think this “PANAMA WAY” should be remembered. 

The Presidency (sans Noriega) has been passed around from group to group almost in a symbolic way to continue to rise the upper echelon on Panamanians that survived the military rule.

Martinelli was rich beyond compare well before taking office as the “WalMart” of Panama with “Super 99”.

Varela, while not a BILLIONAIRE, was quite well off in the wine industry along with his brother. By no means at the level he is now after fleecing Panama over his 5 years with every low life you can think of. Becoming particularly chummy with China.

Cortizo did quite well with farms and agriculture, but the mother lode came from the “mother”, as in his wife. Puerto Rican oligarch family that is loaded.

Why do I mention these facts? I do so because EVERY administration and ALL of the underlings that are part of the party have made it a legacy of becoming very wealthy while in office.    According to the charter, the PRESIDENT receives $84,000.

Which brings me to the shiny, new, young, face of GABRIEL CARRIZO. Who in fact as I type is the REAL leader behind the scenes in PANAMA.  Much like Cheney did with Bush in the US, the operation is under VP control. But what gets me is the brazen way that they do it, and the lack of uproar from Panamanians.

Please view the neighborhood that Carrizo grew up in. Not exactly Shangi-La or the Taj Mahal.

Compare this NOW to the Condo and the MASSIVE COMPOUND being built.  Where does this wealth come from in such a short time?  Anyone remember the generator scam he pulled off during COVID with the pricing he approved?

LA PRENSA covered this and I will be doing so with the same vigor and intensity that others do to assure that Panama ceases to be prostituted at the expense of the citizenry.




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