“No justice” screams Martinelli. If Varela is main PLAINTIFF, will he agree to questioning by defense??


OP ED: Just a wandering thought from me “JB”. 


Former Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli said today that “there is no justice in Panama”, after a judge of Guarantees decided to send him to oral and public trial for a cause of alleged illegal wiretapping during his term (2009-2014), by which faces a penalty of 21 years.

“There is no justice in Panama,” shouted the 66-year-old former governor when he was led out of the courtroom at the Supreme Courthouse (CSJ) in a recess of the proceeding, in which the judge of Guarantees, the magistrate Jerónimo Mejía, established as tentative date of his trial on December 11 next.

Visibly affected, the former head of state, who remains provisionally detained in a minimum security prison, complained that the Panamanian authorities allegedly do not let him even go to the cardiologist and that they want to “kill” him.

Martinelli again assured that the Panamanian president, Juan Carlos Varela, has manipulated the case against him, an end that the current president has always denied arguing that respects the separation of public powers.

READ MORE: http://laestrella.com.pa/panama/politica/justicia-panama-grita-martinelli-enviado-juicio/24094516

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