Mulino leading charge on transparency of VENEZUELA elections.

International Relations

Javier Martínez-Acha, Foreign Minister of Panama, above, joined Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino who said to the world today “I congratulate the 17 nations that today voted in favor of a resolution in the Organization of American States that justified the purpose of the meeting regarding Venezuela.  It was not approved. This organization is failing again. It is regrettable.”


This was the reaction of the President of the Republic, after a resolution demanding that the Venezuelan authorities publish “immediately” the minutes of last Sunday’s elections did not receive the necessary support to be approved by the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS).  In an extraordinary session held in Washington (United States), the text received 17 votes in favor, none against, 11 abstentions and five absences, so it did not obtain the support of the absolute majority of the members of the organization to be approved. Maduro made announcements Wednesday that he was getting ready to publish results.

During the session, Panamanian Foreign Minister Javier Martínez Acha insisted on his request that the minutes of the votes in which the opposition was present be reviewed and that it be known exactly how Venezuelans voted on July 28.  “I hope that none of those present here… have to flee their country because one person and his gang want to monopolize power forever,” the Panamanian foreign minister said. “The Venezuelan people want to live in a democracy,” he said. “Democracy, freedom, that is all we demand,” he added. “Of the 1,057 Venezuelans who went to vote in Panama, 1,038 votes were for Edmundo and only 16 voted for Nicolás Maduro, one vote for Ecarri, one vote for Brito and one spoiled vote.”  The Venezuela people need to live in tranquility, not in violence and protest as is viewed below in this picture.

Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado thanked Martínez Acha for his words.  “Chancellor, you ask the democratic world to please not abandon Venezuela at this time. We join your claim; the truth is one: Venezuela won and Edmundo González is the elected President of Venezuela!” he said on the social network X.  The Venezuelan opposition believes that there was “fraud” after the National Electoral Council of that country proclaimed – last Sunday – Nicolás Maduro as president re-elected for a new term.


“I want to point out that our patience, and that of the international community, is running out,” said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby. “We are running out of time waiting for the Venezuelan electoral authorities to tell the truth and publish all the detailed data of these elections so that everyone can see the results,” he added.

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