Ex-PRD leader cites under oath that Martinelli admitted to wire tapping.


The ex-leader of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Mitchell Doens , one of the plaintiffs’ victims in the trial of Ricardo Martinelli for alleged political espionage, indicated that the former president confessed that he had “punctured” him.

This is what Doens told him when he testified, under oath, on Tuesday, June 18, before the trial court in charge of the case.

The conversation with Martinelli would have occurred in El Renacer , where he was detained for a year, until last week. The PRD politician, together with the lawyer David Cuevas, who represents the victim and plaintiff Rosendo Rivera , went to the prison to visit the exmandatario, so Cuevas witnessed this confession.

Doens has previously acknowledged, before the prosecution, a score of emails, cell phone messages and transcripts of conversations in the years 2012 and 2013, which were extracted from the account brad.pty507@gmail.com, and that the protected witness 8430145 indicated to the judges that is material compiled by the National Security Council , following the orders of the then President Martinelli.

“Mr. Mitchell Doens is one of the most emails and information that had invaded his privacy,” said prosecutor Diana Callender, who acts as a spokeswoman for the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Prosecutor Callender told reporters that everything declared by Doens agrees with the material and digital evidence.

With Doens, there are already two complainant victims who appear before the court. Before it did his copartidaria, Balbina Herrera .

Martinelli is prosecuted for the alleged commission of four crimes: inviolability of secrecy and the right to privacy, and two types of embezzlement. The prosecution asks for a sentence of 21 years in prison.

The ex-governor arrived this morning to the court, warm, smiling and waving, accompanied by several agents who escorted him from his residence in Altos del Golf, where he is under house-domiciliary deposit by order of the trial court. Until last week, he was temporarily detained for a year, in El Renacer .


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