
Further proof of Mulino being PRO-active on Immigration. More in a month than 5 “Nito” Years.

Old “Nito” and “Gaby” literally sat and WATCHED for 5 fucking years (as PNO reported on weekly), about the immigration CRISIS occurring in Panama. Mulino has done more in a MONTH than those two GOOFBALLS did during an entire administration. Losers!!!! Over the past few days, the National …


Mulino states re-patriation among apprehended immigrants will be voluntary. But opening plugged. PANAMA CITY (AP) — Panama’s President José Raúl Mulino said Thursday that migrants entering Panama through the treacherous Darien Gap will only be sent back to their countries if they agree to do so, potentially diminishing the impact of stricter immigration enforcement Mulino had pushed. Mulino, who took office July 1, promised …


Mulino already showing progress with immigration via Colombia.   PANAMA CITY (AP) — Migration through the Darien Gap dividing Colombia and Panama has declined significantly this month since Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino took office and ordered authorities to get control of the dense jungle frontier, the country’s border police said Wednesday. Still, migration through the Darien remains close …


Deadly migration through “Darien” continues as Mulino and US cooperate to address. In a bid to block U.S.-bound migrants, Panama has installed barbed-wire fencing along the Darien Gap, sparking panic among migrants trying to cross the jungle that links South and Central America — but not necessarily stopping them. Videos of the barbed-wire barriers appeared as early as June 27 in WhatsApp …


This guy could be BEST PREZ EVER, and it’s not even a month. MULINO is true DOER!!! Not TALK

Actually addressing the LARGEST PROBLEM we have.  Panama and the US will sign an agreement to stop migration http://Panama and the US will sign an agreement to stop migration José Raúl Mulino explained that the agreement entails an orderly repatriation process for any migrant who tries to enter Panama without …


Seven arrests made in Colombian “human trafficking” ring. Affecting all of LATAM.

The network ‘gave foreigners lodging, food, transportation and false documentation’ Colombian authorities detained seven alleged members of a criminal network known as ‘Los Coyoteros’ that was dedicated to smuggling migrants from the borders with Venezuela and Ecuador, and located six buses with more than 100 migrants that were going …

Human Interest

MEXICO committing over $108 Million to address Migration………PANAMA???????

The Mexican Foreign Ministry indicated that currently, Amexcid, 26 cooperation projects are being executed The Government of Mexico, through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (Amexcid) and the International Development Cooperation (CID) mechanisms, reported this Tuesday that it allocated 108.3 million dollars to address causes of migration in …


Almost 180,000 came through the Darien Gap. see “PNO” archive link

I have made it a point to be aware of this growing CRISIS to all of my readers. See Below of Post. Numerous organizations have warned about the dangers of crossing the plug-  ( LIKE JB @ PN-fucking O ) =-) From January to June 2024, a total of …


The cost of pursuing freedom MUCH HIGHER and DANGEROUS for women. So far this year, some 130,000 people have crossed the Darién jungle, of which 104,000 are adults, and of this figure around 35% are women. Migration has long ceased to be a man’s thing. Women alone, with children or with their partners leave their homes behind, having to go …


As requested and suggested by PNO,,,,,Mulino states strong stance on addressing Darien.   PANAMA CITY (AP) — Panama is on the verge of a dramatic change to its immigration policy that could reverberate from the dense Darien jungle to the U.S. border. President-elect José Raúl Mulino says he will shut down a migration route used by more than 500,000 people last year. Until …


The DARIEN disaster needs to be addressed by ALL of the candidates. The Ombudsman’s Office, with the support of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, issued a bulletin with the results of interviews carried out in Darién, on the human rights situation of irregular migrants and refugees who arrive. to the province. The number of migrants …


US policy on Haitian immigrants carries the waft of racism given the current situation.

OP ED: by “JB”- Before all the REDS freak out, let me clarify. I am NOT in favor of recklessly open borders with anyone being able to enter the US unchecked or undocumented. In the same way I am NOT in favor of it here, and mention DARIEN probably more …


Human Rights Watch calls for investigation into the Darien Gap immigration crisis.

In Miami, they came via rafts and boats. In California and Texas, it is through the desert. But these immigrants are passing through a treacherous jungle landscape to try to seek asylum. An investigation by the organization points out the deficiencies in care for victims of sexual violence, as …


United States taking “action” not merely notice of immigration issue in Darien. This Monday, the United States donated tents, camping cots and other material worth half a million dollars to assist the thousands of migrants who arrive in Panama after crossing the inhospitable Darien jungle. This year, until March 8, some 82,000 migrants crossed the inhospitable jungle from Colombia, where insecurity …


Infusion of legal Venezuelan migrants generated $280 Million to economy for fiscal 2022.

And they will keep coming to escape Chavez. Monitor and give them hope.   The Cavex explained that in Panama there are more than 5,000 Venezuelan companies registered, with an investment that exceeds $1.8 billion in the last 10 years. In 2022, the tax contribution of Venezuelan migrants living …


22K more migrants through Darien than at this time last year.

The increase in migrants through the Darién on their way to the US or Canada in search of better living conditions has been progressive since 2021, reaching the record number of more than 520,000 last year More than 68,400 migrants have crossed the Darién jungle, the dangerous border between …


2023 ends with “Immigration” being the biggest problem for Panama. PNO has been all over this. The Panama Immigration Directorate reported that until December 15, it counted 509 thousand people who entered Panama heading north. In the United States, one of the preferred destinations, the immigration issue is a source of debate and pressure between Congress and the White House Panama closes 2023 with another record …

Human Interest

US faces exploding issue like Darien on the Texas border with Mexico. #immigration2024#1issue Businessmen denounced this Monday that the northern border of Mexico faces a food shortage and inflation due to the restrictions imposed by the Government of Texas on border crossings in the face of the unprecedented migratory wave in the region. The arbitrary inspections of goods trucks implemented last month …


Darien migration becoming a worldwide story; no longer a regional issue.

413 thousand people have passed through the Darién jungle, of which 219,777 are male, 105,923 are female. A total of 87,635 minors have made the journey. ByRoberto This year, 619 people were rescued during their journey through the Darién jungle. This year the number of migrants has exceeded 410 thousand …


Latin America immigration attracts attention of Biden Administration One of the central pieces of the Biden administration’s immigration plan, which involves opening offices that admit applicants in Central and South America, has had difficulties. Joe Biden’s government is having difficulties addressing the humanitarian and political crisis that is developing at the entrance to the United States. And a …

Editorial Contribution

Not so good news for Panama in FORBES. UNICEF: Record Numbers Of Child Migrants In Latin America And The Caribbean At Great Risk Maryanne Murray Buechner Brand Contributor UNICEF USA BRANDVOICE| Paid Program Sep 7, 2023,10:36am EDT A new UNICEF Child Alert signals urgent and growing needs of children migrating across the Latin America and Caribbean region …


I continue to bang my drum about the Premier problem in our times: IMMIGRATION

From America, Ukraine, to Latin Americas. Immigration and refugees are the issue of the century. Simply fewer places in the world offer a better life as countries and economies struggle. Latin America and the Caribbean are experiencing one of the “biggest and most complex crises” of child migration on …


As discussed in US debates: Illegal Immigration may be #1 problem of the world!

Happening in Panama right under our noses each day. In order for a group of migrants to continue their journey to the Paso Canoas border sector and then cross the border with Costa Rica, the National Migration Service (SNM), in the province of Chiriquí, coordinated their transfer with the …


Darien immigration issue has reached the attention of United Nations.

Several UN agencies called for increased international cooperation to stop the record number of migrants crossing the inhospitable Darien jungle, on the Panama-Colombia border, on their way to the United States. In a joint statement, the UN agencies for Refugees (Acnur) and for Migrations (IOM) asked the governments for “a …


US Embassy offically classifies “Darien” as a war zone avoid at all costs.

The Embassy of the United States in Panama published on the morning of this Thursday, July 27, a new video with testimonies from irregular migrants, who narrate the dangers they experienced when crossing the Darien jungle. This video is part of his campaign, which began at the end of Title …

Human Interest

More immigrant issues are present between Chile and Peru.

Jimir, Yuri and Belquis never saw each other even though they were in similar places, they never spoke, but if they had done it at the penultimate stop that their eventful life as migrants had given them, fleeing Chile, they would have been surprised how similar their broken dreams were, …


PNO’ers, don’t feel your the only ones. Costa Rica facing same immigration problems.

A few days before the end this week of Title 42, a health regulation that allows the United States to expel migrants on the spot, Costa Rican Foreign Minister Arnoldo André Tinoco assured this Monday, May 8, that his country can only process a limited number of people who are …


Even with American aid, Darien continues to be overwhelming problem with migrants.

More than 127,000 people in mobility heading to the US arrived in Panama  The Red Cross warned this Thursday that the avalanche of migrants who are arriving in Darién, in Panama, on their irregular route to North America , “overflows the humanitarian service points” where the organization is present, and asked for more international support to address this …


Record number of immigrants passed through Darien in 1st Qtr of 2023

So far this year, a record number of 78,585 migrants have crossed the dangerous Darién jungle on foot, the natural border that divides Panama and Colombia, which is five times more than the figures registered in 2022, according to an alert this Saturday by the Ministry of Panamanian Public Security. …


Overwhelmed migration leads to movement of people to Chiriqui.

Commissioner Ascanio Ellis, Senior Officer of Migration Border Management, together with the director of the Transit and Land Transportation Authority (ATTT), Carlos Ordóñez, made a tour this Thursday to observe the mobility process of irregular migrants who are in the Temporary Migratory Reception Stations (ETRM), in the province of Darién. …