
Mulino states re-patriation among apprehended immigrants will be voluntary. But opening plugged.

https://apnews.com/article/panama-us-migrants-darien-gap-ee20be313dcbed5d4b01b74754e112f8 PANAMA CITY (AP) — Panama’s President José Raúl Mulino said Thursday that migrants entering Panama through the treacherous Darien Gap will only be sent back to their countries if they agree to do so, potentially diminishing the impact of stricter immigration enforcement Mulino had pushed. Mulino, who took office July 1, promised …


Mulino already showing progress with immigration via Colombia.

https://apnews.com/article/panama-migration-colombia-darien-mulino-18a5784429a23c4c8fe7e966ba3213c0   PANAMA CITY (AP) — Migration through the Darien Gap dividing Colombia and Panama has declined significantly this month since Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino took office and ordered authorities to get control of the dense jungle frontier, the country’s border police said Wednesday. Still, migration through the Darien remains close …


Deadly migration through “Darien” continues as Mulino and US cooperate to address.

https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/panama-using-barbed-wire-block-darien-gap-us-bound-migrants-rcna159774 In a bid to block U.S.-bound migrants, Panama has installed barbed-wire fencing along the Darien Gap, sparking panic among migrants trying to cross the jungle that links South and Central America — but not necessarily stopping them. Videos of the barbed-wire barriers appeared as early as June 27 in WhatsApp …


Almost 180,000 came through the Darien Gap. see “PNO” archive link

I have made it a point to be aware of this growing CRISIS to all of my readers. See Below of Post. Numerous organizations have warned about the dangers of crossing the plug-  ( LIKE JB @ PN-fucking O ) =-) https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/nacional/mas-de-170-mil-personas-cruzaron-el-darien-este-ano-AD7647828 From January to June 2024, a total of …

Bocas del Toro

EX-PAT/VISITOR ALERT- For those on Eco-Tours in jungle regions, remember word “Jungle”.

https://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/nacionales/cocodrilo-casi-le-arranca-el-pie-cuando-cruzaba-quebrada-en-veraguas-EA7332134 The scare of his life got a man who was attacked by a crocodile when he was crossing the La Toyoza ravine, in the district of Cañazas, province of Veraguas. The man managed to get away from the animal, but suffered serious injuries to one of his legs, so …


As requested and suggested by PNO,,,,,Mulino states strong stance on addressing Darien.

https://apnews.com/article/panama-immigration-mulino-darien-f46becc989e0f2c944922b03e6417a3f   PANAMA CITY (AP) — Panama is on the verge of a dramatic change to its immigration policy that could reverberate from the dense Darien jungle to the U.S. border. President-elect José Raúl Mulino says he will shut down a migration route used by more than 500,000 people last year. Until …


The DARIEN disaster needs to be addressed by ALL of the candidates.

https://www.laestrella.com.pa/panama/70-de-los-migrantes-han-visto-muertos-en-la-ruta-de-darien-AC7004332 The Ombudsman’s Office, with the support of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, issued a bulletin with the results of interviews carried out in Darién, on the human rights situation of irregular migrants and refugees who arrive. to the province. The number of migrants …


Human Rights Watch calls for investigation into the Darien Gap immigration crisis.

In Miami, they came via rafts and boats. In California and Texas, it is through the desert. But these immigrants are passing through a treacherous jungle landscape to try to seek asylum. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/nacional/hrw-pide-a-panama-y-colombia-atender-los-derechos-de-migrantes-HN6791687?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc An investigation by the organization points out the deficiencies in care for victims of sexual violence, as …


Panamanian elections draw international interest in regards to “environment” and “Darien” nightmare.

  http://theguardian.com/global-development/2024/mar/21/panama-elections-environment-young-voters-corruption-prd-moca–politics Buoyed by forcing the closure of a vast copper mine, a new generation of eco-conscious candidates are taking on the ‘shameful and corrupt’ status quo in May’s general elections Supported by About this content Daniel Harkins in Panama City Share In October, seven months before Panama’s general election, …


United States taking “action” not merely notice of immigration issue in Darien.

https://es-us.noticias.yahoo.com/eeuu-dona-panam%C3%A1-carpas-material-163320645.html This Monday, the United States donated tents, camping cots and other material worth half a million dollars to assist the thousands of migrants who arrive in Panama after crossing the inhospitable Darien jungle. This year, until March 8, some 82,000 migrants crossed the inhospitable jungle from Colombia, where insecurity …


Infusion of legal Venezuelan migrants generated $280 Million to economy for fiscal 2022.

And they will keep coming to escape Chavez. Monitor and give them hope. https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/economia/aporte-economico-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-a-panama-supero-los-280-millones-en-2022-EA6323688?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc   The Cavex explained that in Panama there are more than 5,000 Venezuelan companies registered, with an investment that exceeds $1.8 billion in the last 10 years. In 2022, the tax contribution of Venezuelan migrants living …


22K more migrants through Darien than at this time last year.

The increase in migrants through the Darién on their way to the US or Canada in search of better living conditions has been progressive since 2021, reaching the record number of more than 520,000 last year https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/panama/nacional/mas-de-68400-migrantes-han-cruzado-el-darien-en-2024-22000-mas-que-un-ano-antes-BD6225164?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc More than 68,400 migrants have crossed the Darién jungle, the dangerous border between …


Darien migration becoming a worldwide story; no longer a regional issue.

413 thousand people have passed through the Darién jungle, of which 219,777 are male, 105,923 are female. A total of 87,635 minors have made the journey. ByRoberto Barriosroberto.barrios@laestrella.com.pa This year, 619 people were rescued during their journey through the Darién jungle. This year the number of migrants has exceeded 410 thousand …


I continue to bang my drum about the Premier problem in our times: IMMIGRATION

From America, Ukraine, to Latin Americas. Immigration and refugees are the issue of the century. Simply fewer places in the world offer a better life as countries and economies struggle. https://www.laestrella.com.pa/internacional/mundo/230907/unicef-hay-record-migrantes-menores-america-latina Latin America and the Caribbean are experiencing one of the “biggest and most complex crises” of child migration on …


Darien immigration issue has reached the attention of United Nations.

Several UN agencies called for increased international cooperation to stop the record number of migrants crossing the inhospitable Darien jungle, on the Panama-Colombia border, on their way to the United States. In a joint statement, the UN agencies for Refugees (Acnur) and for Migrations (IOM) asked the governments for “a …


US Embassy offically classifies “Darien” as a war zone avoid at all costs.

The Embassy of the United States in Panama published on the morning of this Thursday, July 27, a new video with testimonies from irregular migrants, who narrate the dangers they experienced when crossing the Darien jungle. This video is part of his campaign, which began at the end of Title …


Good question……why promote a dangerous region as “adventure” tourism.

“Our goal is to traverse what is probably the most infamous jungle in the world.” The thousands of migrants who cross the Darién Gap, which separates Colombia from Panama, could say it, but the phrase is an offer made by a German luxury adventure tourism company.Two weeks through this dense …


Even with American aid, Darien continues to be overwhelming problem with migrants.

More than 127,000 people in mobility heading to the US arrived in Panama  The Red Cross warned this Thursday that the avalanche of migrants who are arriving in Darién, in Panama, on their irregular route to North America , “overflows the humanitarian service points” where the organization is present, and asked for more international support to address this …


Panama and US continue to address the shithole of Darien. More help needed.

The security forces of Panama and the Bravo Task Force of the Southern Command of the United States have been carrying out a “humanitarian exercise” since Saturday in Panamanian indigenous areas, including those located in the province of Darién, the natural border with Colombia that thousands of people cross. of …


US looking into Helo accident in the DRUG, IMMIGRATION, CRIMINAL armpit of Darien.

The United States “is investigating” the discovery in a jungle area of ​​Panama of two helicopters, with apparently US military inscriptions, which have intrigued locals and visitors for years. These debris are on the Chucantí hill, within a private reserve of the same name and which is located on the …


Record number of immigrants passed through Darien in 1st Qtr of 2023

So far this year, a record number of 78,585 migrants have crossed the dangerous Darién jungle on foot, the natural border that divides Panama and Colombia, which is five times more than the figures registered in 2022, according to an alert this Saturday by the Ministry of Panamanian Public Security. …


Overwhelmed migration leads to movement of people to Chiriqui.

Commissioner Ascanio Ellis, Senior Officer of Migration Border Management, together with the director of the Transit and Land Transportation Authority (ATTT), Carlos Ordóñez, made a tour this Thursday to observe the mobility process of irregular migrants who are in the Temporary Migratory Reception Stations (ETRM), in the province of Darién. …


DARIEN- flat out one of the most DANGEROUS places on Earth.

https://www.themanual.com/outdoors/darien-gap-feature/ CONTENT NOT written by JB. The Pan-American Highway is an epic 19,000-mile route that starts at Prudhoe Bay in Alaska and terminates at the southernmost end of South America in Ushuaia, Argentina. It’s continuous except for a small section missing along the southern border of Panama, often referred to …


Immigration issue in Darien hits Panama in the pocket!

In the first three months alone, almost 66,000 people have crossed the jungle The migratory crisis worsens and may reach record numbers this year. Almost 66,000 people have crossed the jungle in the first three months of 2023 alone, which is why specialists in migration issues consider that it is …


More of the same. Read about Darien and what Maduro is doing.

Panama reported this Friday “a drastic decrease in the flow of irregular migrants, mainly Venezuelans,” who arrive in the country through the Darién jungle, the border with Colombia, through which 208,866 people have entered so far this year, an unprecedented figure. “In the last three days, only 2,292 people have …


Toddler dies as Darien is increasingly becoming GROUND ZERO for immigrant issue.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220922/nino-venezolano-muere-asalto-migrantes-zona-darien-panameno?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc A 6-year-old Venezuelan boy died and 2 people were injured during an “assault” on a group of migrants in transit to North America in an area of ​​Darién, the dangerous jungle that serves as a natural border between Panama and Colombia, authorities reported Wednesday. Panamanian. The National Border Service …


PNO following up on the Darien migration problem editorialized back in 2020.

https://www-laestrella-com-pa.translate.goog/nacional/220906/cientos-ninos-migran-solos-selva?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc A 60-year-old Venezuelan man was traveling with two children, ages four and five. They were not his children of him. They were from a Haitian woman he had met during the migratory journey in the dangerous jungle of Darién, in Panama. She handed them over because she didn’t have the strength to …



OP ED: J.BRYSON.      “I WAS A FAN OF “NITO” over ROUX.  I used my site to promote his initiatives, I used my site to propel his message. He was taking over for one of the WORST and MOST transparent of conspiratory dealings with rougue governments in Panamanian history …