Despite the call to the administrative authorities and the process presented in the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, Judge Eric de León, from Bocas del Toro, still admits a case of domain acquisition prescription promoted by Bastimentos Holdings, S.
Despite the call to the administrative authorities and the process presented in the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, Judge Eric de León, from Bocas del Toro, still admits a case of acquisition of ownership prescription promoted by Bastimentos Holdings, SA against Tres Cruces de Gold, SA
This despite the fact that after a decade of frustrated attempts by Bastimentos Holdings in the courts and in the National Land Administration Authority (Anati), finally in 2019 Tres Cruces de Oro managed to title these two farms on the island of Bastimentos.
“Even for a first-year law student it is obvious that this title does not qualify for a prescription, but for the judge in León, it is the opposite and he is still continuing this reckless process on his desk,” said Richard Kiibler, representative of Tres gold crosses
The most recent is that Bastimentos Holdings had application 313-2011 with the National Land Administration Authority (Anati), knowing that the requested area was the heart of the property titled in favor of Tres Cruces de Oro; Even so, he started a new process to irregularly acquire private land, the businessman affirmed. In other words, they tried to title 12 hectares within the 22 hectares titled in the name of Tres Cruces de Oro.
The Anati measurement department, led by José Rodríguez, confirmed this overlap through an official report and ordered the filing of said irregular and malicious request.
For the representatives of Tres Cruces de Oro, it is “unheard of” that these situations still occur in a country that wants to attract foreign investment.
Anati caught the attempt, but Judge Eric de León is part of a “rotten” judicial system where judges are still willing to admit reckless trials without any legal basis, Kiibler denounced.
Tres Cruces de Oro, SA has filed this case with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and has sent a copy to the US Embassy in Panama, since the shareholders of this holding company are US citizens.
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