Welcome Joyce! Looking forward to learning more about what you are doing in Panama.
Contributor Introduction: PNO welcomes Joyce Barr and her fresh insights on Panama.
- By : James Bryson
- Category : "JB", Editorial Contribution
Whereas now, she is an expat enjoying retirement in Panama, where she provides online coaching combined with tours to support those who want to create an affordable yet stylish life overseas.
Joyce has always wanted to live abroad. And after realizing her goals of being an entrepreneur, as well as a homeowner, she followed her unfulfilled dream and built her a new life here in Panama. She has her own platform at www.BlastBoomer.com, which can be accessed by clicking on her tab from the PNO homepage.
We are happy to include her fresh and positive takes on the Ex-Pat experience to PNO. She is the “fabric softener” to my “heavy detergent”, and quite frankly brings a much needed informative opinion about what is GREAT about being in Panama.
Joyce can provide help and insight on a wide array of topics that “everyone” can benefit from. In addition to posting her content and having a link to her site, we will be adding an “ASK JOYCE” tab in which you can ask her about……. dining, culture, night life, events, taxes, VISA questions, and other activities and issues that comprise the Panama experience.
As we enter the second half of 2022, we at PNO are hopeful to continue to grow our content both with contributed writers as well as support of local businesses and ventures.
That being said, join me in welcoming Joyce to our site, and take advantage of her wealth of information and positive outlook. Leave all the grumbling to “JB”.
As always, Saludos friends.