Complaints filed against Martinelli prosecutor


The Commission of Credentials of the National Assembly will give priority today to the processing of three denunciations, that maintains in this instance the magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Harry Diaz, although there are other ten denunciations that involve others magistrates of the highest justice corporation.


Credentials Commission

This instance will also consider today the appointment of Fernando Méndez as a principal member of the employers before the board of directors of the Social Security Fund (CSS) and the appointment of Diego Ferrer as a member of the board of directors of the Savings Fund of Panama.

The decision of this commission is made right in the middle of the hearing process that follows the former president of the Republic and members of Cambio Democrático (CD); Ricardo Martinelli for the case of the interceptions of telecommunications, in which Díaz is the fiscal magistrate.

Last week, the president of this body the deputy Sergio Gálvez, member of the Democratic Change party (CD), said that one of the carpetillas that maintains a complaint against Diaz would be analyzed by the nine deputies of this instance to take a decision today.

This folder is related to the complaint for the alleged commission of the crime against the honor and violation of the rules of the Judicial Career, filed against Díaz on January 25, 2016 by the former Vice Minister of the Presidency during the Government of President Martinelli, María Fábrega and the lawyer Oswaldo Fernández, after some statements in a local television media in which the magistrate said that in a conversation with former judge Alejandro Moncada Luna, he told him that magistrate Luis Ramón Fábrega was a “pedophile” and that he had proof.



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