
by James “JB” Bryson

I think we should all take a moment to give credit to the fact that HUMANS have managed to take one of the most amazing and recognized mammals ever to walk the face of the Earth, and reduce it to the point where we need to extract fucking DNA like “Jurassic Park”, to even have the chance to assure it will ever exist in the future.


Image result for white rhino

How about us humans huh? I mean why not kill an absolutely amazing animal off the face of the Earth, all for an illegal contraband ( rhino horn ) that has LITERALLY ZERO FUCKING MEDICINAL AFFECT, VALUE OR POTENCY WHATSOEVER!!!

I need a shot and it’s still early.

Watch this video PNO readers and write a goddamn check. Do something if you can.


Just made $100.00 donation to save the 🦏’s. It’s horrible what’s happening there. Kudos JB.



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