Zimbabwe legalizes cannabis production


Producers must have local citizenship or proven residence in the country and will be subject to controls by the Government

Zimbabwe legalized the production of cannabis for medical or scientific purposes as long as it has an official license, the state newspaper The Herald reported today.

The news was announced by the Zimbabwean Ministry of Health, headed by David Parirenyatwa.

Producers must have local citizenship or proven residence in the country and will be subject to controls by the Government.

Licenses will not be granted to those who have been previously involved in illegal activities with prohibited substances.

In addition, applications for licensing must give a detailed description of how the producer will keep track of what is produced.

If erroneous information is provided, the Ministry will revoke the license, which is initially issued for five years after which a renewal must be requested.

READ MORE;http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/zimbabue-legaliza-produccion-cannabis-para-usos-medicinales-cientificos/24060626

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