Gaby makes strong RIGHT stance on LGBTQ people. Very progressive, you don’t cheat with men anyways.
- By : James Bryson
- Category : Uncategorized
Human nature has not changed at all: “He who is born a woman is a woman and he who is born a man is a man, let us protect the family. That has been the basis on which our society has been built,” warned José Gabriel Carrizo, presidential candidate for the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD).
Carrizo is convinced that the present and future of the family cannot be resolved on social networks.
“It is a very complex issue that involves very sensitive issues of society itself related and even to the very survival of the human species,” recalled the presidential candidate.
Carrizo, who has always behaved as a man of deep beliefs and unwavering attachment to family values, considered that social networks lack a legitimate and transparent representation of society.
“Social networks are full of fake accounts (trolls ) and some are driven by the particular interests of people and organizations with access to enough money to hire law offices, influencers and media outlets. What these anti-family groups seek is to destroy the institution of marriage by turning it into what it is not.”
“In the face of the great daily attack that society and the family, which is its basis, suffer, it is a duty that we all defend it on all possible fronts. I have always been on the side of the family and will continue to defend it. We cannot accept ideologies that seek to attack the family,” said Carrizo.
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