Criminal court annuls investigation into those charged with $12.3 Million Grain Sale Fraud


The Fifteenth Criminal Court admitted an nullity incident against the investigations of former ministers Lucy Molinar (Education), Roberto Cohen Henríquez (Presidency), Guillermo Ferrufino (Social Development) and Jaime Ford Castro (Public Works), as part of the investigation by the grain sale with funds from the extinct National Aid Program (PAN).

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The action, adopted by Judge Leslie Loaiza , also benefits Tomás Escalona , reported a press release from the Judicial Branch (OJ).

Loaiza based its decision on Article 2033 of the Judicial Code , which establishes the investigation term within four months, extendable for two months, when there are several investigated or punishable acts. According to the judge, the Public Prosecutor’s Office allowed eight and a half months to go by from the start of the investigation (on August 27, 2014) until the preliminary ruling was issued.

“That is why this judge is based on the criterion that due process has been violated, the right to defense and the right to be tried by a competent court and in accordance with the legal process,” the OJ newsletter states.

The nullity incident was presented by Jair Urriola , Molinar’s lawyer.

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