Varela getting so cozy with China he will soon be taking Karate classes, pay attention Panama


By James “JB” Bryson

Much can be read into the gushy love affair that Varela has with the People’s Republic of China. A communist nation last time I checked. People trying to overlook the fact he is completely OK with placing an Embassy in the Amador area of Panama which has always been considered sovereign and segregated from political intrusion.

Merely look at the expression on his face in this attached photo concerning the commissioning of the Embassies. He looks like he wants to run over and start giving Xi Jinping (not pictured) a back massage.

Panama in it’s continued quest to get a better seat at the big table, should be wary of the bedfellows it has chosen.

At least that is IMHO.

Saludos “JB”


The agreements reached between the government of President Juan Carlos Varela , on behalf of the Republic of Panama, and the government of President Xi Jinping , for the People’s Republic of China have been the subject of controversy, especially during the last week, following criticism of the possibility that the Chinese diplomatic headquarters will be located in the Amador area, a decision announced yesterday by the president, officially announced after “responsibly evaluating” the existing options.

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Mixing the two issues, various voices have attributed lack of transparency to the Executive for not disclosing the content of the agreements, something that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected.

“From the moment of the adoption of the first 19 agreements, in the framework of the visit of President Juan Carlos Varela to China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs enabled a list and complete description of each document on its website, which has been expanded in the measure that new agreements are signed “, assured the entity.

On January 31, 2018, the government announced that the Cabinet Council had approved the agreements signed in November 2018, as part of the official visit to Beijing. They alluded at that time to those relating to Civil Air Transport and Maritime Transport . Nothing was said about the agreement regarding the lease of the new embassy offices in the respective countries, one agreed for the first time under the concept of reciprocity and which will be sealed through a lease for 70 years, extendable, for a symbolic value of $ 1.


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