Third candidate announces Presidential intent


The former secretary general of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Pedro Miguel González presented this Sunday his candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic for this political group that must choose its presidential standard-bearer in the primary elections that will be held next June eleven. Shortly before the arrival at the PRD headquarters, hundreds of followers were waiting for González to the rhythm of a comparsa and a drum: “Go ahead, come on, come on; the PRD is the one that counts (…) Come on , come on , come on; Pedro Miguel is the one that counts”, sang the typical group that enlivened the act.With González, Vice President José Gabriel Carrizo and the deputy and president of the National Assembly, Crispiano Adames, there are now three confirmed presidential candidates in the internal contest of this political group.”We came to present our candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic for the party that Omar Torrijos founded, because this country needs a new course and that course of social transformation can be given by the party that Omar founded, but with a different leadership from the one that we have in the government and the one we currently have in the party,” González said.”Pedro, president… Pedro, president… Pedro, predidente” the supporters of the PRD leader also chanted in unison once he signed his candidacy before the members of the PRD National Election Committee.On the outskirts of the official party headquarters, González in a brief rally stated that today begins a new day of struggle for the Torrijistas in the party that Omar founded.”Today we begin to trace a new path, to first win the presidential candidacy and then offer Panama a new course, to create an alliance with the social sectors, those from whom we have distanced ourselves and who protested last July by the conditions of an increasingly unequal society,” he said.”Today we begin to build the new future of Panama. We are going to achieve that alliance to transform it into a welfare society and leave behind the social inequality that we live in. We are going for the reform of the State, for a reform of the Constitution that makes a true balance between the powers of the State, for a reform to the Constitution that strengthens the control institutions and guarantees the honest and transparent use of public funds as we proposed during the ten years that we were in opposition and that unfortunately has not been done for these almost four years of government”, exclaimed González.

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