Some encouraging signs regarding recent testing.



According to the most recent report of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the fourth wave of covid-19 infections that has been registered in Panama, since the end of December 2021, with a sharp increase in positive cases, “apparently” is having a “decline” in a short period of time, however, it is necessary to monitor the behavior in the coming weeks.

Similarly, the international organization highlighted that for the first week of February, the number of hospitalized for covid-19 in Panama was reduced, compared to the figures reported in the same period of 2021; and that to reduce that number of hospitalizations, immunization has been an effective factor, in the midst of a scenario of high transmission of the omicron variant. A decrease in the number of positive cases is also projected.

“From the perspective of PAHO, this shows that the application of vaccines has been one of the fundamental health interventions to reduce the risk of serious illness and death from covid-19 in the population in Panama,” the agency stressed in its most recent report. 

According to the PAHO report, until February 6, 2022, at the national level, hospital ward occupancy was 55%, ICU 45%, and ventilators 21%. 

However, the trend to increase in income observed since week 50 of 2021, shows a change with a significant decrease in the last week, reveals the PAHO report.

He explained that in the first week of February 2022 there was a reduction of 70.8% of those hospitalized in the ward, going from 2,060 for the same date in 2021 to 601 in 2022; Likewise, there is a 63.4% decrease in ICU/Semi-ICU admissions, going from 277 in 2021 to only 83 this year.

Regarding the behavior of cases and similarly to what happened with hospitalizations, PAHO said that in epidemiological week number 5, a decrease of 53.6% of cases is projected with 32,434 compared to what was reported in the third epidemiological week of 69, 941 cases.

He also mentioned that Panama is among the countries with the highest proportion of vaccines applied. He specified that in the country at least 57 out of 100 people have complete vaccination schedules and 72% of people have received at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine, being one of the countries with the highest proportion of the population. fully immunized, above the world average of 53%.


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