PNO EXCLUSIVE OP-ED- News on dubious Judge Eric DeLeon of Bocas and his sordid connection to RED FROG.

Bocas del Toro

OP ED: Peter McKinney

Once again, thank you to Steven and JB for allowing me to keep exposing the wrongs being done by Red Frog.   Not to mention all of the shenanigans going on under the guise of a REAL development at RED FROG BEACH in Bocas del Toro.  I hope people read my last piece on THE MURDERER they employ as SECURITY. Well my time and contacts have bore even more fruit as the CORRUPT Judge that was allegedly “literally in BED with” RED FROG now finds himself in some hot water.  This has almost become a hobby for myself.  I’ve been contacted and am in regular contact with people that almost on constant basis are sending me info to vet and verify.  So thanks JB and Steven for using me as a conduit now to receive this information and report on it.

More news on  Judge Eric DeLeon of Bocas del Toro and his ties to Red Frog…..

Judge DeLeon has been reported in the press and all over social media for having issues of late for acting improperly with suspicious rulings. He has had two of his recent rulings overturned and deemed illegal both initially favoring Red Frog.  It has been alleged that he has had a long term  romantic relationship with Wilhelmina “Miranda” Bussing Senior Vice President of Red Frog and Legal Representative of most of their multiple corporations.   She was listed as one of Eric DeLeon’s 82 friends on Facebook as well as at least two other directors/officers of Red Frog. Many are lifelong friends of Judge Eric DeLeon as well as business partners, Mr. Mario Jonás the Red Frog General Manager and Mr. Danilo Howell who is a long term employee of Red Frog holding multiple board positions within their multiple companies. (He is the sharp one shooting the bird, picture mentioned below)  However, when the rumors of misconduct and conflict(s) of interest began swirling around Judge DeLeon quickly removed Wilhelmina “Miranda” Bussing from his FACEBOOK “friends” where she had been for years.(see attachments below) but before removing her I’m told the authorities were able to confirm she was indeed there (as is proof by the below picture).  It has been reported that Danilo Howell (Director and employee of Red Frog) and Judge DeLeon are best friends since infancy and have operated multiple businesses including nightclubs and a DJ business run by Howell when he’s not working at Red Frog.  They also both are avid cyclists together on the weekends.   Below pictured are Red Frog Director Howell having drinks and celebrating with Judge DeLeon at bar in Bocas with other friends and the first picture of Red Frog Director Danilo Howell posing with his BESTY Judge DeLeon (Judge DeLeon pictured in the Blue Wife Beater and Howell in the Red T Shirt).   Both Danilo Howell and Mario Jonás are still listed today as “friends“ on Facebook and Instagram of Judge Eric DeLeon.

CLICK on IMAGES below for FULL SIZE pic) 


Typically, in most parts of the world when a judge has any relationship at all with one side no matter how slight or insignificant he or she would disqualify themselves from any proceeding where their impartiality could ever be questioned. Good old fashioned “conflict of interests”.  Including instances when the judge has personal knowledge of any disputed evidentiary facts-which is likely to be the case when you have business partners and close personal friends involved similar to the ties between Howell, Jonah and Bussing of Red Frog. Secondly, if any of your friends, family, or business partners have any financial interest in the proceedings it would be imperative to recuse yourself immediately.
Apparently, Judge DeLeon has sat on the bench ruling on multiple cases related to his 3 close friends at Red Frog.  The most notable and high profile case being the one between Red Frog and Tres Cruces de Oro.
Apparently, as has been reported by the local press in Panamá, that after Tres Cruces successfully titled their property and won all appeals filed inclusive of appeals to the Supreme Court Red Frog have continued to try and interfere with Tres Cruces’s ability to develop their property.   Bastimentos Holdings one of Red Frog’s entities filed a lawsuit recognizing Tres Cruces’s title and trying to apply a law which if the Titled property in question had been indeed titled for over 15 years and abandoned by the defendant in this case Tres Cruces and Bastimentos Holdings could prove they have peacefully and uninterrupted Possession of said property they could indeed qualify to be granted ownership of the property in question.  The problem as reported in the press is the following until less than 3 years ago the title of the property was owned by the Nation which would immediately disqualify this process and not allow for it to be ever admitted.  Second, I’ve been told there have been over 16 related lawsuits between the parties where Tres Cruces has prevailed many of which are on their website.  There have been multiple recorded orders from the authorities removing Red Frog Staff by force even having on multiple occasions resulting in the arrest and incarceration of Red Frog Staff.  That information has been openly sent to me from multiple sources and has also been acknowledged by Red Frog themselves.  Hence, disqualifying the peaceful and uninterrupted possession part of the law.   Perhaps even more troubling than Judge De Leon admitting an inadmissible case for his friends is still to follow.   On one hand Red Frog recognizes the Tres Cruces title and files their prescription process, while also simultaneously trying to advance and apply with ANATI the land authority in Panama to get a new title over what they know and recognize to belong to Tres Cruces in the lawsuit.   It was reported last week in La Estrella that the land authority did indeed catch the illicit titling process. And subsequently have closed the Red Frog titling process as having been revoked forever.

Below- just a lovely walk between DeLeon and Bussing.


THIS TYPE OF PANAMA BACK-DEALING is so much BULLSHIT. And it harms real Ex-Pats and people from coming to Panama.

For further clarification I have seen the support to prove  Red Frog appealed the title given to Tres Cruces, asked for that appeal which they lost in ANATI to be reconsidered (which it was and they lost yet again).   They then filed two lawsuits in the Supreme Court against the ANATI administration and lost both lawsuits.   They then had no further appeals to try and attack Tres Cruces or it’s title.   The result of which led to yet another filing in the Supreme Court by an alleged “third party” affected not part of the Tres Cruces or Red Frog.  That third party not related was none other than,  Mr. Mario Jonah General Manager of the Red Frog Resort.   Mr. Jonah filed with other lawyers the same lawsuit which was lost by Red Frog before the Supreme Court and the court ruled again against them disqualifying the lawsuit as Mr. Jonah the Supreme Court determined filed the lawsuit in bad faith trying to trick the court.  That he was NOT in fact a third party effected or unrelated but also an employee and Board Member of Red Frog.   The entire thing smells of interfering, trying to delay the inevitable by filing continuous frivolous and cases with no merit whatsoever.   Why would they do that?   Because they’ve sold and are still selling the property and have alleged borrowed monies and promised and committed parcels within the Tres Cruces properties.

Now Back to Judge DeLeon and friends.
It appears but is only speculation that the lawsuit filed and admitted by Judge DeLeon was only a smoke screen.  At least that’s the word I’ve been given when I’ve spoken to parties close to the situation.   That the plan was for him to sit on and buy time while Red Frog attempted to convince people working within the land authority through whatever means posible to title in their name over the Tres Cruces property.   With the idea being to try and create the opportunity to kick off more litigation in bad faith in order to continue to interfere with Tres Cruces and their ability to build or develop on their property which Red Frog continues to promote on their website and marketing materials is indeed theirs if you can imagine (seems to me like they’ve taken on a huge risk in doing so).   With the hope that eventually Tres Cruces will give up.   Which apparently is a strategy that has worked  with other less resourceful neighbors previously.
So what’s next?? Well, Tres Cruces was given permits by the local authorities to begin building on their land.   Red Frog files an emergency request to Judge DeLeon to suspend and stop all permits and construction on Tres Cruces titled property.   In record time Judge DeLeon accepts the Red Frog petition presented by Wilhelmina “Miranda” Bussing and orders the suspension of all construction and permits on the property.   Then days later the Justice of the Peace orders Red Frog Security and other employees to be removed and stay off the Tres Cruces property after multiple threats with weapons by Red Frog security and multiple arrests made by the authorities.    Within an hour of the removal and order by the authorities for Red Frog to leave the property Wilhelmina “Miranda” Bussing files a petition to Judge DeLeon to suspend and overturn the Justice of the Peace’s order and removal of Red Frog staff from the private property belonging to Tres Cruces.   The process filed by Ms. Bussing would normally take days if not weeks to be responded to in any normal situation but in this instance Eric DeLeon immediately upon receipt within the hour accepted his dear friend,  Ms. Bussing’s request and ruled in her favor (illegally) overturning the Justice of the Peaces order.   The officer then appealed to the court based on case law and citing her reasons as being Public Safety that he NOT over turn the order which he denied.   As a result, both the local law enforcement and Tres Cruces separately appealed to the Superior Court in David the extraordinary rulings made by Judge DeLeon.   Tres Cruces filed an emergency request on the suspension of its rights to continue to build and the illegal suspension by Judge DeLeon which was an abuse and extra-limitation of his abilities to do so.  Law enforcement separately appealed his ruling against their removal of Red Frog from the property.  What’s next???   Well apart from Judge DeLeon quickly becoming one of the most recognizable judges in the entire country for his acts finally the Superior Court ruled.   As recently as two weeks ago the Superior Court in David first overruled acts deemed “illegal” by Judge DeLeon which benefited Red Frog against Tres Cruces where he suspended Tres Cruces ability to continue to use freely and build on their property.  prior to the ruling by David it was reported by multiple national newspapers in Panamá that Judge DeLeon was and is indeed under investigation along with others by the attorney generals office which handles matters related to corruption.  I have seen a translated version of what was presented to The Anti-Corrupción office of the attorney general of the nation and its troublesome for both Judge DeLeon and his Red Frog ties.  In the week following the Superior Courts overturning DeLeon’s suspension of Tres Cruces ability to build they then ruled and overturned his second illegal act, overturning local law enforcements order removing Red Frog staff from the property belonging to Tres Cruces.
I sent to PNO all of this information which came to me from multiple sources inclusive of angry homeowners of the Red Frog Development who are tired of this nonsense.  JB confirmed he had been sent the same backup.  I reached out to Tres Cruces for official comment and was told that they would not comment on this article as there is a $150 Million lawsuit ongoing in the United States.  They did however confirm that they were indeed aware that Judge DeLeon’s rulings were indeed overturned and look forward to at a later date when appropriate speaking with the press and sharing information that for the time being needs to remain private.  I did not want to wait.
I am hopeful that PNO will continue to report and update the situation as more information is forthcoming.
I contacted the DA’s office of Anti Corruption with a translator but they stated they would not comment on cases actively under investigation.   Attached are the recent rulings of the Superior Court provided to PNO

Please click on links.



If any readers have had any cases related in which Judge Eric DeLeon presided and you feel protocols or anything out of the ordinary occurred we recommend you contact immediately the office of the attorney general anti-corruption division.


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