Panama making progress as Emergency Hospital nears completion.


The modular hospital that is being built in the Albrook sector to attend to critical cases of Covid-19 , is 98% complete, it was reported this Thursday, April 16.

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The temporary structure, built in the vicinity of the Albrook Mall, has an approximate cost of $ 6.5 million and will have capacity for about 100 beds.

That Thursday it was highlighted that there is a 98% progress of the work and that the facilities are being equipped and all the equipment tests are being carried out. In addition, it was added that tests are being carried out on the entire camera system.

La Prensa Panamá@prensacom

Recorrido por las instalaciones del hospital modular en Albrook.
Se espera en minutos la llegada del presidente Laurentino Cortizo.
Video Isaac Ortega569:37 – 16 abr. 2020Información y privacidad de Twitter Ads29 personas están hablando de esto

Likewise, it was reported that despite being a modular hospital, all the parameters are met, which has been achieved in less than 30 days.

The 100 critically ill beds will contribute to the care of patients with respiratory complications. In previous reports, it was announced that Panama currently has approximately 350 intensive care beds nationwide.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of Health, Panama registers a total of 103 people killed by the new coronavirus and a total of 3,751 infected.

Of the total of infected, 3,240 are in home isolation, and 333 are hospitalized: 227 in the ward and 106 in the intensive care unit.

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