Mayor has no small opinion of herself in anticipation of upcoming book.


The parliamentarian presents her book ‘Witness to history’

Between taunts and criticism of the current rulers, the deputy and journalist Mayín Correa, recounts her journalistic experiences and her management from public office.

The communicator, who is very given to using her Twitter account to express her opinion, did not hesitate and praised herself like this: “I think that when reading [readers] they will remember my facet as mayor and the amount of works I did without money no political support at this time.

In the biography “Witness to History”, the deputy reveals well-kept secrets about politics, history and her personal life, her loves and heartbreaks.

How many times did they try to kill Mayin? How many times did she get married? Mayin Interviewed and made friends with world celebrities such as: Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, George Bush, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and a long list.

“The contribution I make to Panama in ‘Testigo de la historia’ is my message of work, honesty, discipline and vocation of service to others. I do not know a person who has produced so many positive things in favor of the family and the country Mayin adds. The message accompanied by the cover of his book, which will be presented on February 8 in the capital city.

“They tried to kill me three times. Master Alarcón saved me when we were painting a banner at the time of the Civil Crusade and the fight against the military dictatorship. Alarcón told me: start painting your banner. When Mayín bent down and grabbed the brush, The sniper hiding in a building in front of the KW radio station, lost the firing angle”.

“Later, in Venezuela, a former sergeant, former member of the defense forces, confessed to Mayin what had happened,” says Mayín.

He assures that his greatest satisfaction was getting closer to children far from the capital and to the elderly, my two greatest satisfactions.

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