IMF predicts Panama will grow by almost 6%


by John “JB” Bryson

April 18, 2018

Similar in tone to my earlier post, with the IMF stating that the Panamanian economy is due to grow above average to 5.6%, it can lead to a false sense of optimism in relation to being able to sustain an influx of immigrants. There are still limited skilled labor jobs that are being offered in Panama, and it would appear that many of these estimations would be predicated upon planned or future developments that may or may not happen.

We have seen it occur before. With condo hotels and casinos promising employment and better commerce only to get bogged down in the legal and political dogma that has stifled the true development of Panama since my arrival.

Careful what you read. These I feel are merely feel good statements that mask a looming issue that can cause major problems for those residing in Panama currently.



This is inflated James. They are trying to prep for invasion Venezuela. Your right on this one pal.

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