Floods cause Colombia evacuations


Nearly 600 farmers had to be evacuated in northwestern Colombia because of the violent flooding of the river that feeds the Ituango hydroelectric project, the largest built in the country, authorities said Sunday.

The inhabitants of the town of Puerto Valdivia are in shelters enabled in the urban area after the increase of the flow of the Cauca River , in the department of Antioquia.

“We evacuated Puerto Valdivia, the actions are preventive, the waters of the Cauca River were entered into the homes of one of these inhabitants, but there are no injuries or loss of life, only material damage,” Victoria Ramirez, secretary of government, told AFP of Antioquia.

The emergency originated as a result of a geological fault that blocked the tunnels of the dam whose construction began in 2010.

READ MORE:https://www.prensa.com/mundo/Cientos-evacuados-Colombia-emergencia-hidroelectrica_0_5029746991.html

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The DARIEN disaster needs to be addressed by ALL of the candidates.

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