EX-PAT ALERT: Bocas del Toro reports HIGHEST rate of Dengue fever in country
- By : James Bryson
- Category : Health
Hard to believe after I have been calling for 5 years for the Government to TRULY INVEST REAL MONEY into the Bocas region that this occurs. For an area that is one of the gems of tourism for this country, it still has a POS airstrip and next to nothing in terms of real infrastructure. AKA a real dump in Isla Colon.
So far this year, 480 cases have been registered throughout the country.
The province of Bocas del Toro heads the list with the highest number of cases of dengue at the national level.
According to data from the Ministry of Health (Minsa), a total of 480 cases of dengue have been registered in the country so far in 2022, 416 are without warning signs; 62 with warning signs and 2 severe cases. To date, there is one death due to dengue.
The report from the Department of Epidemiology of the Minsa indicates that 30% of the cases that are registered throughout the country correspond to the province of Bocas del Toro, with a total of 150.
Other regions that register a high incidence are: Panama Metro, which reaches the figure of 72 cases, followed by Panama North with 66; Chiriqui with 62 and West Panama with 35.
San Miguelito reports 34 cases; Panama East a total of 24; Herrera 16, Colon with 7 cases; Veraguas with 6; Guna Yala region 4 cases; The Saints record 3; I cooked 1 case.
The Ngäbe Buglé region and the Darién province do not present cases in the last epidemiological report.
The Ministry of Health reported that according to the latest report from the Department of Epidemiology, some 480 cases of dengue have been registered nationwide so far in 2022.
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