Emails quiet as a church mouse from the “Brigade” on this.
- By : Panama Now
- Category : Bocas del Toro, Crime

The superior prosecutor of Bocas del Toro, Rafael Baloyes , confirmed this Thursday, January 16, the discovery of seven bodies in a grave in the community of El Terrón , in the Ngäbe Buglé region .
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National Police confirms grave finding after capture of sect members in the Ngäbe Buglé region
These are victims of an alleged sect that operated in this community.
There are 10 detainees allegedly related to this fact: nine adults (eight men and one woman) and one minor.

It was advanced that the bodies found – the majority of minors – had clear signs of torture and that among the detainees there are relatives of the victims.

Ministerio de Seguridad Pública de Panamá@MinSegPmaEn respuesta a @MinSegPma y 18 más
En una rápida acción de las Fuerzas Especiales de @protegeryservir, evitó que otras 15 personas fueran asesinadas. Estas fueron rescatadas y enviadas a centros hospitalarios. #TeCuidamosPanamá #UnidosLoHacemos
210:03 – 16 ene. 2020Información y privacidad de Twitter AdsVer los otros Tweets de Ministerio de Seguridad Pública de Panamá
The Public Ministry said that the bodies correspond to six minors between 1 and 17 years of age.
“In addition, of an adult woman who was pregnant for approximately 4 to 6 months, mother of 5 of the minors,” the Public Ministry said in a press release.

Ministerio Público✔@PGN_PANAMA · 4hEn respuesta a @PGN_PANAMA @ProtegeryServir
Todos los presuntos autores del hecho han sido aprehendidos y serán llevados ante el Tribunal de Garantías en Bocas del Toro entre mañana y el sábado.

Ministerio Público✔@PGN_PANAMA
Nueve adultos y un menor de edad son los presuntos responsables de estos crímenes. Entre los adultos hay una mujer.
Las víctimas rescatadas reciben atención mediante la Unidad de Protección a Víctimas, Testigos, Peritos y demás intervinientes en el Proceso Penal (UPAVIT) del MP.
110:07 – 16 ene. 2020Información y privacidad de Twitter AdsVer los otros Tweets de Ministerio Público
This Wednesday, the authorities of the Public Ministry and the National Police captured 10 members of the sect called “ The New Light of God ”, which would have deprived a group of people of the community of El Terrón of freedom and torture, corregimiento of Santa Catalina, in the Ngäbe Buglé region.

#Avance – Llegan al Aeropuerto Internacional Rúben Cantú, en Santiago de Veraguas, personal del Ministerio Público y de la Policía quienes han estado haciendo las labores del caso de la secta en la comunidad de El Terrón, en la comarca Ngäbe Buglé. 210:25 – 16 ene. 2020Información y privacidad de Twitter AdsVer los otros Tweets de La Prensa Panamá
It was reported that probably this Friday the imputation hearing will be held in Bocas del Toro, those involved in this case, who will be charged for the alleged commission of the crimes of homicide and illegal association to commit crimes.
According to the Public Ministry, machetes and other tools that are presumed to be used by the suspects were located there.
The prosecutor said that to confirm if there could be more victims, there was a registration and a tour of the community and it was found that, for now, there are no other missing persons.
In addition, other proceedings will be carried out, because although the alleged perpetrators have been identified, it cannot be ruled out that they could be more linked to the case.
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