Chiriqui’- as if it can get worse.


The authorities evacuated around 35 people in Tierras Altas, in the province of Chiriquí due to the heavy rains that are registered in the area due to the indirect impact of Hurricane Julia.

The families were transferred to the shelter set up at the Paso Ancho School for prevention.

The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) monitors rivers, streams and areas susceptible to landslides.

The National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) held a meeting to know the weather forecast for Sunday and take the forecasts for any contingency of Julia.

Malitzie Rivera, director of the COEN calls on the population not to carry out “disaster tourism”, since we are on yellow alert and October is one of the rainiest months of the year in Panama.

Adding that the North of the province of Veraguas, also suffers a great impact from the rains and remain susceptible to landslides.

The water treatment plant of Divalá, Chorro Blanco, Santa Marta, Paso Canoas, San Bartolo and San Félix, remain out of operations in the province of Chiriquí, due to the effects of the flooding of rivers and the high turbidity, reported the Institute of National Aqueducts and Sewers (Idaan).

While David’s water treatment plants operate at 80% and that of the chiriquí corregimiento maintains 50% of its daily capacity.

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