
Mulino decisions already having ripple effect in global markets. Shares of Canadian miner First Quantum Minerals jumped 6% on the Toronto Stock Exchange in early trading on Tuesday, following news that Panama would conduct an environmental audit of the Cobre Panama mine to decide whether it can safely be reopened. President Jose Raul Mulino officially took charge of …


Gaby feels recent mining ruling will strengthen Panama in 2024. When leaving the meeting, Carrizo declared to the media that uncertainty is experienced worldwide. The presidential candidate for the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), José Gabriel Carrizo, met on the night of this Thursday, December 21, with leaders of his group. When leaving the meeting, Carrizo told the media that …


Steps being outlined for the definitive and final closing of a mining operation. Eyes open There are minimal preservation activities that cannot be completed overnight. The Minister of Commerce Jorge Rivera Staff presented the action plan for the orderly and definitive closure of Cobre Panamá, in order to guarantee that this process is carried out in a responsible and transparent manner, complying with the …


Sociologist says 18 days of protest reveal RACIST undertones within Panama. When 18 consecutive days of anti-mining demonstrations have passed, tensions are growing between those who demand an end to the closures and those who continue protesting in the streets due to distrust that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the company Minera Panamá. The speeches against the …


Law 406 is universally viewed upon as being unconstitutional. Cortizo agrees The Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) had no doubt that the Law 406 contract, which allowed exploration and exploitation of the Cobre Panamá mine, is a constitutional conflict considering first that it violates the fundamental rights of life, health and of a healthy environment, free …

Air Travel

Civil unrest in Panama becoming more than a “regional” disturbance. Affecting flights. The mishaps that have caused road blockages in Panama City caused United Airlines to cancel three flights scheduled between November 16 and 17. Information from the company indicates that the canceled return is UA1034, from Houston, which ends up impacting the itineraries of flights UA727 and UA1031, which will …


Mining protests are pulling the country apart from within. Becoming very violent The Attorney General’s Office detailed this Wednesday, November 8, that during the last two weeks during the protests against Law No. 406, 175 investigations have been opened for the commission of various crimes, including intentional and negligent homicide and extortion, among others. . As a result of these investigations, …


Torrijos chimes in on blame for mining fiasco. The presidential candidate for the Popular Party, Martín Torrijos, condemned the violence that has been recorded in the protests against the law contract between the State and Minera Panamá, which has claimed the lives of two people. “It is regrettable that we are witnessing confrontations between Panamanians and Panamanians …

Human Interest

I woke up a little late this morning. Chaos in the streets

My wife, whom we always seem to coordinate things together took it upon herself to run a few errands. I then get my cell ringing, and the background is like she’s in the middle of a war zone. Indeed, the issues with the Mining workers and the government is reaching …