What a CROCK of BULLSHIT!!! “Financial Expert” my ASS!!!!! RED FROG propaganda


Editorial:  James “JB” Bryson

I thought today’s earlier post was enough to satisfy my itch to shed light on RED FROG. Then I see this rotten piece of a dumpster fire video on YOU TUBE.  (thank you “Brigade”).


“Financial Expert” David Clark- that lovely British accent makes him sound credible. Sitting at a round table with that “See You Next Tuesday” of a sales leader that threatens homeowners and sells the same unit multiple times only to switch later. 

If he’s a legit “Financial Expert”, I’m a brain surgeon. In the words of “Tommy Boy”, if I stick my head up a cows ass does that make me a butcher????

Tell me David Clark- what did you or your firm do as far as due diligence?  If you did ANY you could not possibly endorse RED FROG BEACH.  Can you or your firm release any information if you were PAID for this endorsement? I find it highly unlikely you did so for nothing. Or did Joe give you land like he is used to doing whether it belongs to RED FROG or not? Whereas you did not come directly out and endorse RED FROG, you are giving offshore investing financial advice on their sponsored YOU TUBE channel. I find that implied agreement of what they are doing there.

Did you ask ANY of the current homeowners how “they” feel about their investment?? Shame on you and that sales succubus. “Anything” for a commission

How about you and Lora do a “Naked and Afraid” Episode on that island and experience how actual homeowners are living??  I dare you.  Did you go to sleep that night after the interview powered by generator???  No, I think not.

This video makes me sick and your out of order for contributing to it and owe all current homeowners and future victims an APOLOGY. Be accountable and do the work like I have and dissseminate the TRUTH about RED FROG.

If not, how can you call yourself a “Financial Expert”.

“JB”- OUT!!!!!!

Lastly–Funny tidbit, the video comes right after the “SolidBlock” crypto currency release by RFB. How did that funding apparatus work out Joe? Shit selling shit.  



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