Supreme Court and Department of Justice of Varela have plan for Martinelli- DEATH


by James “JB” Bryson

I personally find it very interesting when reading the daily updates that are released about the prosecution of Ricardo Martinelli.

It is hard for me to escape the practically incestuous link between Varela and his former boss, and the manner in which he is doing everything to silence him. The latest is the decision to move him from El Renacer, which is no luxury hotel, to a different facility. The health issues surrounding Martinelli while seemingly to be just legalese, were indeed verified and corroborated by the United States prior to his self mandated return to Panama.  Those should recall that he came back upon his own request.

In doing so, he has re-invigorated a very vocal and active group of supporters that still view him as their favorite leader and one they continue to hold in high regard. As much can be supported by his run for MAYOR while incarcerated and under investigation.

So why, in the case of a former leader of the Republic, is so little attention being shown in regards to his health? Would we not want to assure he is in the BEST health possible, that NO HAIR on his head is harmed until we are able to hear him testify before the world? In the case of the Varela administration, the opposite seems to be the case. They are treating him like an everyday common criminal. Which AFTER trial we may indeed find out to be exactly what he is.  However, seeing as he is the former President, Panama appears like a Banana Republic in the eyes of the world in the way they are treating Martinelli.

My point, is they kissed his ass for 8 years, what does a few more months matter if it is in the benefit of justice that he is taken care of? I feel the LAST thing Varela wants is a healthy, vibrant and vocal Martinelli made available for the court of public opinion.

Additional measures have been taken recently against his wife and sons, which is certain to add more stress and poor health to an already old and frail man. I would just like to see this thing play out and hear what has to be said in court like a civil society. If it was up to Varela personally, he would have Martinelli doing hard labor in Bocas somewhere. Not to make a criminal pay by the way, but more so to prevent him from perhaps securing a place for him on the chow line as well.



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