Air Travel

CRWD/MSFT issue with AI platform causes a “shit storm” worldwide. Hope you weren’t travelling. Airlines grounded flights. Operators of 911 lines could not respond to emergencies. Hospitals canceled surgeries. Retailers closed for the day. And the actions all traced back to a batch of bad computer code. A flawed software update sent out by a little-known cybersecurity company caused chaos and disruption around …


To ALL US Ex-Pats, PNO readers, and my Panama Friends. HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!!!!!!

To all of you HERE, and your families and relatives back in the States. God “help” us ALL, and God “bless’ us ALL.     Saludos- “JB”


MULINO sworn in as Prez amid the pomp and circumstance deserved. ( Already on “Darien”) On May 5, Panamanians elected José Raúl Mulino to be their next president. Mulino, who was nominated by Partido Realizando Metas and Partido Alianza, is a lawyer and previously served as minister of security and minister of foreign affairs. On the campaign trail, he vowed to put more money …

International Relations

Panama applauded and welcomed into EU Security Council. Big step, on big stage. Borrell pointed out that the EU hopes to maintain “close” cooperation with Panama The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, congratulated Panama, as well as Denmark, Greece, Pakistan and Somalia, for their election as non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council for the …

US News of note

US Missionaries MURDERED in totally F’—-D up HAITI.

Baker’s daughter, Natalie, and her husband, Davy Lloyd, were in the country serving as missionaries. Three American missionaries died at the hands of armed bandits who attacked an orphanage that houses dozens of children at Lison 49, in Plaine, north of Port-au-Prince, under the control of armed gangs for …

World Events

President of IRAN: Confirmed dead in Helicopter crash.

The death of the 63-year-old Iranian president opens a period of political uncertainty in Iran Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Foreign Minister died in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran, the government announced  Supreme Guide Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Monday appointed First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber as interim …


Raging floods are pummeling Brazil.   The historic floods in Rio Grande do Sul, caused by heavy rainfall since the last days of April, have affected more than two million people, leaving 143 dead, 806 injured and 131 missing. The torrential rains hitting southern Brazil increased river flows and created scenes of “chaos” in …


MASSIVE Humanitarian effort underway next door with neighbor Brazil. With warships, cargo plans and field hospitals, the Brazilian Armed Forces deployed a huge operation to help the victims of the devastating floods in the south of the country, which have left at least 108 dead, 136 missing and entire cities under Water. The Army, the Navy and the …



PANAMA CITY (AP) — José Raúl Mulino, the stand-in for former President Ricardo Martinelli in Panama’s presidential election, was set to become the new leader of the Central American nation as authorities unofficially called the race Sunday night after his three nearest rivals conceded. The 64-year-old former security …


This is just a cool story and PIC.

Solar Orbiter footage shows an intriguing feature, which is glowing gas. The European Solar Orbiter mission, which aims to study the Sun, filmed the transition between our star’s lower atmosphere and the outer corona, with images showing the glowing gas forming lace-like patterns, called coronal moss. The European Space …


EX-PATS: Happier here than in Oklahoma???

Multiple tornadoes touched down on Saturday night in several counties in the state of Oklahoma (USA), causing at least two deaths and material damage that is being evaluated. Republican Governor Kevin Stitt reported yesterday that the state remains on “high alert” for bad weather after several tornadoes and thunderstorms …

World Events

Taiwan continues search in rubble for more survivors. On the positive side, 70 people left the Hualien mining areas alive This Thursday, April 4, rescue teams continue the search for more than 600 people trapped or missing after the earthquake that shook the east coast of Taiwan this Wednesday, the second most intense in the history of …

World Events

SHIT just keeps happening……….Taiwan Earthquake could end up killing thousands.

In the last two weeks, there was a devastating terror attack in Moscow, an entire bridge collapse in the US, and now an Earthquake in Taiwan that currently has “thousands” trapped under rubble.  Try to think of that when we are complaining about “our” days. At least 654 …


Human Rights Watch calls for investigation into the Darien Gap immigration crisis.

In Miami, they came via rafts and boats. In California and Texas, it is through the desert. But these immigrants are passing through a treacherous jungle landscape to try to seek asylum. An investigation by the organization points out the deficiencies in care for victims of sexual violence, as …


Singapore owned vessel from Baltimore bridge collapse calling on an 1851 Law to limit liability. The owner and manager of a cargo ship that rammed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge before the span collapsed last week filed a court petition Monday seeking to limit their legal liability for the deadly disaster. The companies’ “limitation of liability” petition is a routine but important procedure for cases litigated under …


Right around corner,…………HAITI remains a GD war zone of anarchy.

Not like Haiti is in any way an “Ex-Pat” or Tourist destination, but STAY AWAY just in case anway. The Caribbean country has experienced weeks of chaos since armed gangs launched a fight against controversial former Prime Minister Ariel Henry Gang violence in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, increasingly widespread, …

World Events

France,,,unlike Russia, heeds US warning of heightened ISIS activity threat. The announcement was made this Monday by the French Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal. The French authorities have put 4,000 soldiers on alert, who could be mobilized along with the 3,000 already patrolling the streets, after activating the highest level of alert due to the risk of an attack. The …


Panamanian elections draw international interest in regards to “environment” and “Darien” nightmare.–politics Buoyed by forcing the closure of a vast copper mine, a new generation of eco-conscious candidates are taking on the ‘shameful and corrupt’ status quo in May’s general elections Supported by About this content Daniel Harkins in Panama City Share In October, seven months before Panama’s general election, …


Confirmation of next “Extinction” level event on the horizon. Not unexpected.

To keep into context, since 1900, the population has depleted “70%” of LIFE on  Earth. That is “LIFE” defined as plants, land, animals, ocean life, etc. It does not take a genius to see that the status quo has failed and more is on the horizon. According to this …

World Events

As usual “Haiti” is falling apart while the world watches. Violence on the scale of Syria in Capital.   In January 2024, 806 murders were recorded, according to the UN Violence in the capital of Haiti reached “extreme levels,” according to a mortality survey by the humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) with data prior to the worsening of the situation currently experienced in the metropolitan area …

International Relations

Brazilian Prez unwanted in Israel after Holocaust comparisons.

The Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, declared this Monday, February 19, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva “persona non grata” for comparing the current war against Hamas in Gaza with the Holocaust. “He is persona non grata in the State of Israel as long as he does not retract his …


EU- to “headquarter LATAM operations in PANAMA” Win by DEFAULT.

“JB” This is actually historic and prolific news that appeared as merely a “blurb” in the news today.  Effective as of JANUARY 16, 2024-  The European Union has identified The Republic of PANAMA as the destination of it’s HEADQUARTERS for LATAM operations. In and of itself, it is a highly …

International Relations

Claims of GENOCIDE against Israel, sure to send shockwaves and divisiveness amongst UN.   The spiral of violence and death suffered by the Gaza Strip reached a new stage after South Africa presented a lawsuit against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for the possible commission of the crime of genocide against the Palestinian population. The historic process, which held …

International Relations

Israel and Netanyahu losing creedence in world view for mistakes in Gaza. The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said this Saturday that he is “heartbroken” after the Israeli army “mistakenly” killed three Israeli hostages in Gaza The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said this Saturday that he is “heartbroken” after the Israeli army “mistakenly” killed three Israeli hostages in …


One in (4) Freshwater fish species are in danger of EXTINCTION.

These “meetings” that occur far to in-frequently (this one by COP28, CITES only meets every 2-3 Years), the lastest list of species that are facing irreversible extinction levels. On a personal level, it is important that groups that oversee the activities that lead to these numbers decreasing be adhered to. …

Air Travel

Civil unrest in Panama becoming more than a “regional” disturbance. Affecting flights. The mishaps that have caused road blockages in Panama City caused United Airlines to cancel three flights scheduled between November 16 and 17. Information from the company indicates that the canceled return is UA1034, from Houston, which ends up impacting the itineraries of flights UA727 and UA1031, which will …


Ex-Pats in Mexico bracing for a strong storm. One of the benefits of Panama   I have a friend that is currently living in La Paz; Mexico and they will be bracing for a Hurricane this weekend. With the US economy treating non wealthy Americans like shit, expect places like Panama, Mexico, Belize, and Costa Rica to yearly on a consistent basis see …

Human Interest

US faces exploding issue like Darien on the Texas border with Mexico. #immigration2024#1issue Businessmen denounced this Monday that the northern border of Mexico faces a food shortage and inflation due to the restrictions imposed by the Government of Texas on border crossings in the face of the unprecedented migratory wave in the region. The arbitrary inspections of goods trucks implemented last month …

World Events

Well that ended quick……Russian division in Ukraine ends before it begins.

Russian government troops withdrew from the streets of Moscow and people flocked to parks and cafes Sunday following a short-lived revolt by mercenary forces that weakened President Vladimir Putin and raised questions about his ability to wage war in Ukraine. The march on the capital by Wagner troops led by Yevgeny Prigozhin …

US News of note

Biden sends strong message to annoyance of North Korea.

US President Joe Biden warned on Wednesday that a North Korean nuclear attack against the United States or its allies would result in the end of the regime of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. “A North Korean nuclear attack against the United States or its allies is unacceptable and will …