To all visitors both here and back in the States: HAPPY THANKSGIVING


by James “JB” Bryson

So it has been quite a busy year since we first went “live” earlier in 2018. And while I personally have been quite pre-occupied with many of the things that are “wrong, askew, questionable, off” or downright “criminal” over here in Panama since making it my new home…….I have much to be thankful for.

Thankful for a lovely wife that has put up with me for going on 34 years now. Thankful for an extended and mixed faith family that will be coming over here to Panama to have a traditional US family holiday tomorrow on foreign soil.  Very, very. thankful for that. Beyond words.

Thankful for the readers and visitors of the site. I am happy to say that with each month that has passed, our traffic has GROWN. And while I will never be a CNN or even a Drudge Report, I am happy and content with the people that come to both inform and contribute to a sub set of people that are very important in Panama, and that is EX-PATS.

I always tell people, that PANAMA WANTS US HERE!  They NEED US HERE! They have made incentives to such an extent that they want us to STAY HERE. EX-PATS and retirees from all over the world are an integral and important part of the Panamanian economy. More Ex-Pats that live here, translates into more people that visit, and so on and so on.

I am critical of Panama, because I LOVE PANAMA, and “almost” all of the Panamanians I come into contact with. What I have disdain for is the established post-Noriega oligarchy of corrupt Panamanians that insist on profiting off everything from the Canal, to infrastructure, to the environment, all to keep the established wealthy in a position to consistently corrupt the public trust.

So yes, THANK YOU readers for stopping by once a day to see what this guy is flapping his gums about.

Best to all of you and whatever it is that you and yours are THANKFUL FOR.

Saludos- JB

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