These “committees” are the definition of Modern Day “Banana Republics”.



Nito forms groups, charters, commissions, etc for corruption. I have an idea. MIRROR

Executive Decree No. 215, which creates the Citizen Commission Against Corruption, under the coordination of the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information, was promulgated in the Official Gazette.

The decree indicates that through Law 42 of July 1, 1998, Panama, as a member of the Organization of American States, approved the Inter-American Convention on Corruption, signed in Caracas, Venezuela, on March 29, 1996, which provides that the States agree to consider in their respective institutional systems the application of measures aimed at creating mechanisms to encourage the participation of civil society and non-governmental organizations in efforts to prevent and combat corruption.

In addition, it adds that the United Nations Convention against Corruption, approved by Law 15 of May 10, 2005, establishes that each State Party shall adopt measures to encourage the active participation of individuals and groups that do not belong to the public sector, such as civil society, non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations, in the prevention and fight against corruption, and to sensitize public opinion regarding the existence, causes and seriousness of this social scourge.

The commission will be made up of two representatives of the Bastion of Struggle of Eastern Chirican, the Ngäbe Bugle People and Peasants; two representatives of the United People for Life Alliance and two representatives of the National Alliance for the Rights of Organized Peoples, with a substitute for each one, who will replace him in his temporary absences, who will be designated in the same way as his Headlines of the.

The members of the commission, including their respective alternates, will be appointed by the Executive Branch at the proposal of their respective social organizations, for periods of two years, and may be re-elected.

At the same time, they may file complaints with the Public Ministry, Special Prosecutors or other corresponding instances, for the commission of possible punishable acts against the public administration; promote the search, reception, publication and dissemination of information related to corruption; coordinate citizen participation in a responsible manner in government management; render to the country reports of the actions and results obtained from its management; and dictate its internal operating regulations.

The document, which was signed by the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, and the Vice President, José Gabriel Carrizo Jaén, establishes that the commission will not be able to act in processes that take place within the Justice Administration system, in those that are the exclusive jurisdiction of the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information or in those that are brought before the accounting jurisdiction.

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