Sudden statement from Darien collective REEKS of BRIBES and PAYOFFS


by James “JB” Bryson

For the last few weeks I have given personal attention to the uproar over the logging expansion that has occurred in the Darien region and so close to areas that are fully protected as a National Park and part of the beauty of Panama.

A “legal advisor” of the indigenous people of the Emberra-Wounaan region announced today that they feel the region is “sustainable” despite the advance of the logging territory and the continued cutting down of rare tree species as a result.

As I have seen first hand in the Bocas del Toro region, it is not uncommon for slick metropolitan representatives assume these roles and provide people with money that they normally would never ever see in the capacity of jobs they do nor the lifestyle they are used to.  I have seen people sell their souls for Televisions, IPAD’s, and items that are so difficult to receive in these remote locales.

Please read this article released today and compare against the ones that appeared last week and were posted again on Then tell me if this does not smell like a complete “shit sandwich” being fed to pacify what is a genuine concern.


En Panamá, el 96 % de la madera que se saca de la provincia selvática de Darién se tala ilegalmente y se comercializa principalmente en Estados Unidos, Europa y Asia. / Archivo | La estrella de Panamá


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