Panamanian already accusing abuses ahead of 2019 elections


Traditional parties “fear”

The “partidocracia” and “a small group of rich” control the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal of Panama (TE) to “prevent” independent candidates from participating in the 2019 elections, because he has “fear,” Efe said today. tycoon and politician Iván Blaser.

“The traditional parties and their owners manipulate the Electoral Tribunal to prevent us from participating in the independents and it is not just my case, that is why we are forming a coalition to protest, defend the democratic process and the freedom of suffrage,” he explained.

He noted that democracy in Panama “is completely hijacked,” the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal are the front men and they negotiate very easily with those who come,

In his case, he said, “they do not want to show us where the books are with the 30,000 signatures that we collected, that’s why we went to the Electoral Prosecutor’s Office, which has asked for them twice, and we are going to an exhibitor action, that is, a raid , one year after the elections “to achieve their registration.

He assured that with 36,000 signatures he can register his National Independent Union (UNI) party “and 35,000 are hiding me”, but he added that “people keep signing up, without asking anything in return, because they want things to be different”.

According to Blaser, there are 1,140 UNI signatures that the governing body of the elections has “hidden”, and that the legal term to answer the Electoral Prosecutor’s Office “has already expired”.



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