Panama looking at predictable challenge of legalizing Marijuana

Human Interest

The legislative initiative that establishes the medicinal use of cannabis or marijuana is ready for the second debate in the National Assembly

If approved, the ministries of Education, Health and Commerce will be responsible for the surveillance, control and regulation functions; There will be a period of 90 days to create the regulation. Medical guilds look at the proposal with caution.

The medicinal use of cannabis, a subject placed on the table

For some it is an innocuous plant that helps the terminally ill to endure the ailments; for others it is a toxic substance that can lead to addiction. It’s about cannabis or marijuana.

The debate on the medicinal use of this plant in the country is in the Commission of Work, Health and Social Development of the National Assembly , where it was approved last March, in the first debate, the bill 595, “that authorizes and regulates the medicinal use of cannabis “in Panama. The proposal would benefit patients with pathologies such as epilepsy, mental disorders and cancer, among others.

The original project, presented by the Panamanian deputy José Luis Castillo , proposed to repeal and modify “all provisions that are contrary to this law, in order to decriminalize the use of cannabis for medical purposes.”


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