Panama adopting new immigration measures for Europeans


Panama established new immigration measures for citizens who have visas for the Schengen area, which includes citizens from 26 countries in Europe.These new migratory measures in Panama also include citizens who have valid residency in the countries of the European Union.

In turn, the government of President  Juan Carlos Varela approved to vary the visa status restricted to stamped visa for citizens of India.This was reported by the Secretary of State Communication, which detailed that Varela and Security Minister Alexis Bethancourt , signed the two new executive decrees that regulate the aforementioned provisions.

“The first signed decree establishes that the visas issued by countries that make up the Schengen area must be multiple visas, have been previously used in the territory of the granting country and its minimum validity of one year at the time of entering Panamanian territory” , explained the statement of the Secretary of State Communication.

Meanwhile, the second decree, which will become effective as of June 1, 2018, establishes that visas issued to citizens of India may be issued by the Consulates of the Republic of Panama.

That currently stamped visa category applies to citizens of nations, such as the People’s Republic of China, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.


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