ODEBRECHT update: Panama contractor of choice in headlines as key prosecution witness dies.


One of the key witnesses in the corruption plot of the Brazilian firm Odebrecht in Colombia, who died of an apparent heart attack, “believed he was going to be killed” and sought to collaborate with the United States justice, the senator said on Wednesday, November 14. opponent Gustavo Petro.

Poison son of key witness in Odebrecht case
Jorge Pizano suffered from lymphatic cancer and died on Thursday, but his death was under investigation following the explosive forensic revelation that his son Alejandro died poisoned by cyanide three days later.

The substance was in a bottle of water from which the 31-year-old drank and was at his father’s desk, the prosecution said Monday.

Jorge Pizano, financial ex-examiner of the consortium formed by Odebrecht to build a million-dollar route, had expressed his fear of being killed by the information he had on the case of bribes involving the Brazilian construction company.

“Pizano was worried that they would kill him because of the Ruta del Sol case,” Petro, leader of the opposition in Colombia, told W Radio.

Odebrecht carried out one of the biggest corruption scandals in Latin America, obtaining juicy contracts in several countries by paying bribes to politicians.
Only in Colombia, where the company worked hand in hand with one of the firms of the banker and millionaire Luis Carlos Sarmiento, bribes are investigated for 32.5 million dollars.

READ MORE:https://www.prensa.com/mundo/Testigo-fallecido-Odebrecht-Colombia-asesinado_0_5168483167.html

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