Nito appoints executives to oversee Tocumen.
- By : Panama Now
- Category : Air Travel, Infrastructure
President looks to oversee the expansion and cease the prostituting.
The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo , appointed the Deputy Minister of the Presidency, Juan Antonio Ducruet , as president of the board of directors of Tocumen Airport, SA
According to Law 23 of 2003, said board of directors will be composed of seven members, of which four will be appointed by the president for a period of five years.
According to Decree No. 129 of July 11, 2019, which in addition to President Cortizo bears the signature of the Minister of Economy and Finance, Hector Alexander , the vice-presidency and the treasury of the board of directors of the state company will be occupied by two other members of the current Cabinet Council.
This is Jorge Almengor, Vice Minister of Finance, who will be the Vice President, and Rafael Sabonge , Minister of Public Works, who will occupy the position of Treasurer. The secretary will be the current administrator of the Tourism Authority (ATP), Iván Eskildsen Alfaro .
The last president of the board of directors of Tocumen was Dulcidio De La Guardia, who served as Minister of Economy and Finance in the government of Juan Carlos Varela.
De La Guardia sent a letter announcing his resignation to that position to Cortizo, who at that time was president-elect. This became effective on June 30.
At the end of June of this year, a resolution issued by the board in question sounded alarms in various sectors that defend transparency. The resolution, signed by De La Guardia himself in November 2018, shields much of the information emanated from that board of directors.
Using base of the article 14 of the Law 6 of 2002, that establishes the parameters of the information of restricted access, Tocumen could block by up to 10 years the access to the memories, notes, correspondences and documents related to diplomatic, commercial or international negotiations of any kind.
The former director of the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information, Angelica Maytin , asked to specify the numeral of the law is based on the resolution, because in his opinion, it “has no basis.”
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