MARTINELLI arrives back in Panama


The former president of the Republic, Ricardo Martinelli , arrived on Monday, June 11, to Panama, extradited from the United States, to answer for accusations of espionage from the National Security Council , in the last two years of his government. He was immediately examined by medical personnel and subsequently sent to El Renacer penitentiary.

Extracted, Martinelli will return to the country
‘There are reasons to suppose that Martinelli is guilty’: Judge Edwin Torres
Plenum of the Court orders the provisional detention of Ricardo Martinelli
Ricardo Martinelli is declared in absentia, by not attending a hearing
From boss to persecuted and sick grandpa …
Martinelli arrived aboard a private flight chartered by the US government, escorted and handcuffed by federal deputies from that country. The plane touched down at 8:32 am at the Tocumen airport, although originally the landing was scheduled on the Panama Pacifico track (Howard’s former naval base).

Once on Panamanian soil, US federal sheriffs handed over Martinelli’s custody to the Panamanian Foreign Ministry, who in turn transferred it to agents of the National Police .

“After a general medical evaluation by qualified professionals, acting in accordance with the laws, rules and procedures applicable to persons extradited to Panamanian territory, they notified and read articles 22 and 25 of the National Constitution ,” says the Ministry of Security in a press release.

Martinelli will be transferred to the prison El Renacer , “where he will remain under the custody of the Directorate General of the Penitentiary System of the Ministry of Government, at the disposal of the competent authorities.”


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