Major digital ecosystem summit planned for Panama


Panama will host the GSMA Latin America Plenary Meeting # 46, on May 10 and 11 that will include the participation of specialists and executives of the digital ecosystem and the telecommunications and ICT industry of Latin America.

Roberto Meana Meléndez, General Administrator of the National Authority of Public Services (ASEP) of Panama, and Alcibíades Vásquez Velásquez, Minister of Social Development of Panama, will be among the main speakers of the meeting together with the CEOs of national mobile operators.

The conference organized by the GSMA, the global association of the mobile ecosystem that organizes the famous Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​provides for an opening session with a panel discussion on “Public-Private Partnership and Responsible Business” and will include Oscar Borda Mayorga, CEO of Claro Panama, Marcelo Mouzo, Country Director of Telefónica Panama, Teresa Moll of Alba Alfaro, Executive Director of Sumarse, and Kyungsun Kim, Representative of UNICEF in Panama.

“The digitalization of Latin America will be key to its sustainable development, and in this meeting we will discuss with the public and private sector how to modernize the regulation of the ecosystem to encourage investment and digital innovation in the region,” said Sebastián Cabello, Regional Director of the GSMA for Latin America. Mobile connections in Panama will exceed 6 million during the second quarter of 2018, with mobile broadband connections reaching 51% and smartphones 65% of total connections. “We hope to summon all the actors of the region and especially of Central America and the Caribbean, a vibrant region that has lagged behind in the deployment of 4G and that has a lot to grow,” he added.



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