How Will exodus of Venezuelans affect us?


James “JB” Bryson

April 18, 2018

One story that I have been paying particular attention to other than the many other articles we have been adding is the escalation between Panama and Venezuela, and what type of impact it will have on an already crowded Panama City?

When we arrived in Panama, we noticed that it lacked something, Panamanians. The actual population of Panama City is incredibly transient. With a an overwhelming number of Colombians, Venezuelans, and Dominicans comprising the majority of the capital city.

It wasn’t until we ventured out into the other outlying cities we were able to see more Panamanian neighborhoods and culture.

Panama is NOT set in any way from an infrastructure standpoint to be a safe haven or point of migration. I actually can’t think of ANY island that has seen more expansion and has more congestion. It is the worst equipped at the present time to handle ANY type of mass migration.


Will do Jason, stay checking in and thanks for visiting.
We are new but we will be the best at cutting through the BS. Thx ‘JB”

We just need to be aware of what Maduro is planning and if Varela has the stones to do what is right for Panama. It could be like Miami during Mariel in the 80’s


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Further proof of Mulino being PRO-active on Immigration. More in a month than 5 “Nito” Years.

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