Here we Go!! Martinelli defense will focus on actions of Ambassador Feeley of US.


The strategy of the new defense team of former President Ricardo Martinelli is to remove the process of telephone jabs-for which Panama has requested his extradition-from the legal plan and center it on a supposed persecution on the part of the current president, Juan Carlos Varela.

The lawyers Inna Shapovalov and Nataly Santos, specialists in migratory subjects, explained yesterday in press conference that presented / displayed before the North American Department of State a package of 432 pages with which they will free the political fight so that the extradition of its client stops, who He has been detained since June 12, 2017 in the federal prison of Miami, Florida.

With this package of ‘evidence’ presented to Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State of the United States, who has the final say in the case, the jurists hope that they value facts that the American courts do not take into account in this process.

They also listed some points that, they argue, prove a relationship of ‘hatred’ between the current president Varela and Martinelli. One of them, the day Martinelli fired his then chancellor and vice president.Shapovalov presented him as evidence of political persecution against his client: “On the fifth anniversary of his dismissal, he made a press conference and said that the day he was fired was one of the most difficult in his public life,” he said.

However, the turn of the defense quarrel with the messages that appear on the Twitter account of Martinelli, who announces that ‘soon will be in his beloved Panama’.


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