Have family here for MEMORIAL DAY, back to it Tuesday.


by James “JB” Bryson

It’s been an occupied weekend as we have family from Illinois that came to visit as they have the long holiday for MEMORIAL DAY in the US.

Let me take this time to state my most heartfelt appreciation for ALL of the MEN and WOMEN of the US ARMED FORCES that have made sacrifices since the dawn of the republic. Your service NEVER goes unnoticed in our family.

It was a very interesting week for us at PNO.com last week.

I have a follow up to compose of the intimidation and outright strong arm tactics being practiced with my friend “Buddy” in Bocas del Toro. Much more to come on that.

And the post we were able to divulge regarding the transparency and lack thereof regarding the polls for the upcoming Panamanian election caught very viral and sparked many interesting replies and debates. Precisely, what we want to do here at PNO.com.  While we want to cover all aspects of Panamanian life, the focus is to expose corruption and shady business practices occurring in a growing economy.

Polls were quite wrong in the 2016 US election, and I find it so odd that they are literally discouraged and essentially NEVER done here in Panama to keep voters informed. With the news of a pending Martinelli return to face the charges of his former VP Varela, Panama I feel will be home to quite the political drama unfolding over the next few months.

Thanks as always for checking in and stayed current with us.



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