GREETINGS “friends”, “casual visitors”, “contibutors”, and “enemies”. Let’s START 2025
- By : James Bryson
- Category : "JB"
OP ED: James “JB” Bryson
So the “Bryson’s” are back in 507.
Was only away for like two months, but feels much longer. And much as changed.
Time to check in on how are NEW Prez hs been doing here in my absence, and of course back home we have a NEW Prez that wants to take back the CANAL!!!! Makes for an interesting year.
Then of course, we have the things that have NOT changed and still BURN MY ASS.
But I’m making a promise to not “come off the rails” until at LEAST April. Looking forward to checking the INBOX tomorrow and see if any tidbits were sent. Just settling in today.
Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season, and let’s go piss some people off!!!!!!!!
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