Former Public Safety Minister throws support to Martinelli letter

Human Interest

The former Minister of Public Safety José Raúl Mulino , justified this Monday, May 28, the letter of former President Ricardo Martinelli – currently a prisoner in Miami – where he confesses that he followed the instructions of the US intelligence agency and that he served 100% of the interests of that agency. country.

With favors to the United States, Martinelli would have violated laws
They describe as shameful the letter written by Ricardo Martinelli from prison
Ricardo Martinelli confesses the submission of his government to the CIA
Former President Ricardo Martinelli changes his defense strategy
According to the former Minister of Public Security, what Martinelli reveals in the document – directed to the Government and the American people – “were made true … some of them are personal to him, not me”.

Mulino reiterated that, indeed, there was a close cooperative relationship with the United States (EU).

“Against terrorism we grabbed many drug traffickers, we rescued the Darien, which in 26% was in the hands of the FARC [Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia], we work with Costa Rica, with Colombia every day,” he said.

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