FACEBOOK enters alliance with Latin America; 1.9 Million Panamanian users


Facebook signed an alliance with Cisneros Interactive that makes the latter the official commercial representative of the social network in nine countries in the region: Panama, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay.

At present, 1.9 million Panamanians enter Facebook every month, of which 1.8 million do so through cell phones and 63% access daily, which implies an important potential for local companies that want to start their marketing strategy on Facebook.

Adriana Grineberg, director of Facebook for the region, said that this alliance will allow the social network to be closer to the advertisers, by having a local team trained to support agencies and advertisers.


READ MORE:http://laestrella.com.pa/economia/facebook-firma-alianza-para-representacion/24063020

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