Eyes on Bolivia as corrupt Morales seeks 4th term.

International Relations

La Estrella:


The Supreme Electoral Court of Bolivia authorized more than 3,000 precincts throughout the country for the militants of the eight presidential binomials to vote in the primaries, prior to the 2019 elections, said that electoral body yesterday.

According to a communiqué from that court, 3,751 electoral precincts were set up for the primaries to be held on January 27.

In this unprecedented vote the militants of the political parties will elect their candidates for president and vice-president of the country, even though each party registered only one binomial alternative.

The electoral body also reported that 2,360 electoral seats were coded, understood as a place or geographical point in which the physical or legal service or facilitation for the exercise of suffrage is established, which are composed of notaries, precincts and polling stations. This vote will take place amid the controversy over the detection of registered militants without their consent in different political parties in the lists of militancy required to attend these elections.

The electoral body opened a process for citizens to annul or renounce that militancy.

There are eight binomials authorized by that court to participate in the primaries, including the questioned candidacy of the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales and vice president Álvaro García Linera, who stand for election for the fourth time.

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