EX-PAT Follow UP: Bocas Del Toro Property Scam; Ex-Pats WARNING Ex-Pats!!


by James “JB” Bryson

As 2019 storms ahead, we find ourselves re-visiting an issue that PNO.com covered back in July when we went to Bocas del Toro to see how my friend and fellow ex-pat “Buddy” has people literally living on property that the Panamanian registry states is “TITLED” to him.

As it turns out, we have had many readers interact with one another in the comments sections and also get together to communicate independent of PNO.com to speak of their experiences with trying to obtain property in to retire into. Property that they will indeed “OWN”.

One of the more advertised developments in that area is RED FROG BEACH. Some very high end and beautiful looking properties online, yet ones that have a bit of a history surrounding them that has led to some very spirited discussions with some of the PNO.com contributors.

I am in the process of reading a very long dossier of information that was sent to one of our visitors in “Rick”, who is interested in purchasing THIS year in Panama and has been in preliminary discussions with sales members at RED FROG BEACH. However, two other visitors in “Larry” and “Emily” have advised him strongly against it and have submitted quite the treasure trove of claims and information to purportedly verify their concerns.

Image result for red frog


Please stay tuned as this is pretty salacious and interesting.



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