El Siglo Interview of Prof.Murgas: Choosing of Constituents goes unchecked

Human Interest


In the call to reform the Constitution there are untouchable issues, such as social issues and the title of the Panama Canal, for example. In the opinion of the former judge of the Electoral Tribunal, it is important that the choice of the persons who will draft this new Constitution be regulated, in the event that the request of the Executive is approved by the National Assembly. Rolando Murgas Torraza talks about this process.

What would be the choice of the people who will write the Constitution?

There it is very important that the Executive should, to base in the construction of the consensus, advance some ideas.So far the only thing we have heard is that it will govern for the next period, 2024. What the parallel can not do is alter the periods. But if we are going to strengthen the citizen’s regime in the face of power, it is perfectly feasible for it to enter into force once and for all.

But how are these people chosen?

The Constitution says that there are 60 people. It does not say the requirements. There is a rule that says the Electoral Tribunal will regulate the electoral system, which is a bit vague. It can be for example if an iron vote is made, etc., that is decided by the Court.

And about campaign money?


READ MORE:https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=es&sp=nmt4&u=http://elsiglo.com.pa/panama/eleccion-constituyentes-esta-reglamentada/24063010&xid=17259,15700023,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700173,15700186,15700189,15700201&usg=ALkJrhjVBNgraST_HOnOPwW6dOrSBLoxhA

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