Contract for Balboa shipyard amended


An addendum to the concession contract between the State and the Mec Shipyards consortium, signed in 2012 by the last administration, seeks to modify two clauses of the agreement.

The request of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) entered the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic on June 6 and is still in process.

It is proposed to modify the duration of the contract, which was for 20 years, and the fixed rental lease, which was agreed at $ 99.1 million during its term.

It is precisely the two clauses that it is proposed to modify: The third, to reduce the duration of the contract to 5 years with 271 days, and the fifth clause, which deals with the monthly fixed fee for $ 250 thousand that the concessionaire agreed to pay, with an increase of 5% every year, but it does not specify how it is.

Last year the concessionaire asked the AMP to reduce the fixed canon from $ 250 thousand per month to $ 170 thousand. After the request, two of the four consortia that participated in the tender (Dry Docks Workshops and Astillero del Pacífico) made a joint statement to demand compliance with the provisions of the contract.


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